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Richard Walker

Chat GPT doesn't get it

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What do these words have in common? Grapple, impeach, plump, mangonel, spear, quincenary, gunfighter, outdated, compliment, praising.

Chat GPT4: 

The words you provided do not have a straightforward single grammatical or definitional feature in common. However, one possible connection is that many of these words can be associated with conflict or evaluation in some way:

  1. Grapple – can refer to a physical struggle or dealing with a difficult issue (conflict).
  2. Impeach – involves challenging or accusing a public figure (conflict or evaluation of misconduct).
  3. Plump – though generally referring to being full or rounded, "plump for" can mean choosing or supporting something (evaluation or decision-making).
  4. Mangonel – a medieval siege weapon, clearly tied to conflict.
  5. Spear – a weapon used in battle (conflict).
  6. Quincenary – less related to conflict but could be viewed as an evaluation or marking of a significant anniversary.
  7. Gunfighter – directly related to conflict, especially in historical or cinematic contexts.
  8. Outdated – an evaluation term, indicating something is no longer relevant or current.
  9. Compliment – an expression of praise, thus part of evaluation.
  10. Praising – similarly involves positive evaluation or judgment.

So, the commonality could be that many of the words involve conflict, struggle, or evaluation in different contexts.

You said:
what do these words share? grapple, impeach, plump, mangonel, spear, quincenary, gunfighter, outdated, compliment, praising
ChatGPT said:

The common trait shared by these words is that they are all related to specific actions or roles (either physical or metaphorical). Here's how:

  1. Grapple – A physical action of struggling or wrestling.
  2. Impeach – A formal action to accuse or challenge someone, usually in a legal or governmental context.
  3. Plump – A descriptive action or state of being full or round.
  4. Mangonel – Refers to an object (a type of catapult), which is used for the action of launching projectiles.
  5. Spear – A physical object, but also involves the action of throwing or stabbing.
  6. Quincenary – Refers to the action of marking a 500-year anniversary.
  7. Gunfighter – A person defined by their role or action in gunfights.
  8. Outdated – A state or evaluation resulting from the passage of time (i.e., an action of becoming irrelevant).
  9. Compliment – The action of expressing admiration or praise.
  10. Praising – The act of offering positive evaluation or approval.

Thus, each word is either an action, involves performing a role, or is descriptive of a state resulting from action.

You said:
what attribute do the words have in common
ChatGPT said:

The attribute that all these words share is that they are all derived from verbs or related to actions. Here's how this applies:

  1. Grapple – Derived from the verb "grapple," meaning to struggle or wrestle.
  2. Impeach – Derived from the verb "impeach," meaning to accuse or bring charges against.
  3. Plump – Derived from the verb "plump," meaning to make something fuller or rounder.
  4. Mangonel – Relates to the action of launching or hurling objects with a catapult.
  5. Spear – Derived from the verb "spear," meaning to pierce or throw with a spear.
  6. Quincenary – Refers to an action marking a 500-year anniversary.
  7. Gunfighter – Refers to a person defined by the action of engaging in gunfights.
  8. Outdated – Refers to the result of the action of becoming no longer relevant.
  9. Compliment – Derived from the verb "compliment," meaning to express praise or admiration.
  10. Praising – A form of the verb "praise," meaning to express approval or admiration.

So, the common attribute is that they are either verbs or linked to actions in some way.


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SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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I'd have said that they all had consecutive consonants 😆


Richard Walker

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Ah, that’s true, Jan. But there’s something else about them, something more unusual. Can people see what it is?

SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Fruit salad 😊

I saw it when the words were listed vertically.


Richard Walker

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