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Jim McCrory

Sabbath Thought For the Day

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 24 Oct 2024, 09:31

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Negotiating life as a Christian in today’s world is like driving on a potholed road; there are so many pitfalls. Avoiding aggressive speech, anger, resentment, hate, erotic images in advertising, and spiritual apathy to mention some. Decisions, both great and small, must be prayerfully negotiated.

Just the other day, well not really —it was years ago, that I read Psalm 119:133 that read something like “Fix my footsteps in your saying that no hurtful things domineer over me.” Wow! It bounced out the page. I like the way the Amplified Bible renders the verse,

Establish my footsteps in [the way of] Your word;

Do not let any human weakness have power over me

[causing me to be separated from You].

It’s a verse I find deep comfort in and is part of my daily prayer. In a world full of sinful noise, it speaks to me on a profound level. God and Christ through the Spirit can fill our mind with reminders that warn of potential potholes that may alienate us from the Divine.

I’m reminded of Peter who was forewarned by Jesus of one of these furrows when he said, “Before a cock crows…” What happened? Peter found himself denying Jesus three times and found himself hung out to dry.

C.S Lewis wrote “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain.”

Thankfully, Peter rubbed himself off and regained his balance. But can I tell you a secret dear friend? It is better to be spoke to than shouted at.

Take time to listen to God. Personally, I rise in the morning before my wife. I make some tea whilst she is dreaming of palm trees and the Mediterranean life a thousand miles away from our fixed 59 degrees north and I have my moments with God in gentle whispers.

“Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC),

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Used by permission. lockman.org

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