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Describing a process

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 11 Dec 2024, 15:07

The process of Translating

Before starting the translating process. It is important to have accurate knowledge of both languages, and  a few good text Books which are gathered to aid the understanding of the translation process

Le petit Robert french Dictionary
The Oxford Concise English dictionary
Thesaurus ( English)
Book of idioms French, book idioms English,
Advanced French Grammar book. 📚

I will also be using my Digital notebook and laptop computer.
As well as using the online tools.Google Translate
Lingee. For checking spellings and meanings of unfamiliar words. 👩‍💻🖥🖨

First, I place the books on the desk beside the computer desk top. These are the books I will be using to get a correct translation.
I already have a rough copy of the translation on the digital notebook. I then have to cut and paste the copy using the software application onto word processor.

Next, I have to proof read what I have written,  first I check spellings. For this I use the French Dictionary(and the Oxford English Dictionary) and if using idioms I check these in the idioms book to see if it is appropriate for the text I am writing. I also have to check tenses, whether if it is past, present or future.

Many words could be used for the  'same' word so it is important to have to Iook at the list of synonyms for that particular word, and then find the most precise word in respect of the context and syntax.
I then check spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Finally,  When I am fully satisfied with what I have translated. I Check once again for any errors,  I can then print out the final copy.🖨

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