Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 17 Feb 2025, 04:02
Why is the earth so beautiful despite all the trouble and sorrow?
I was thinking this to myself this day. After briefly watching the news, which was as usual very sad and depressing. I then went out for a slow walk via the park(I am still suffering from a leg accident, so I have to walk slowly) then I turned onto the country lane, leading behind the cemetery, and alongside the field. I looked across at the woods, where once I had seen a beautiful red fox, as he ran out playfully into the field in the summer.
Now, instead it is cold the pale winter sunshine had illuminated the trees, these were all covered in last night,s rain, and it made them sparkle like crystals. It was a dazzling display to watch, like hundreds of little lights suddenly been turned on! A bird sang a melodious tune up in the trees. The tune sounded so cheerful and hopeful , that it actually made me smile. Can life really get better? I wondered, or is it just all doom and gloom e everywhere.
Out here in nature all looks well and life goes on full of hope and then I suddenly feel a part of it, like so many people who sometimes stop to appreciate the nature around them. "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart" Ecclesiastes 3 v 11.
The creator God has made us and nature for His and our good pleasure to enjoy and appreciate. We remember what God has done, by forming the earth and filling it with beauty , a perfect place for humans to live in peace, love, harmony with nature and animals. In nature we can feel the presence of God.
"My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." (Job42.5)
When we look at the creation we are seeing God's own handiwork.
It is also a hope for the future when once again God will replenish the earth and we will dwell there with God. God will dwell with us, and once again the glory of God will cover the whole earth. He shall wipe every tear from their eyes and they will study war no more ! How we long for that time!
Until then we can but strive to live in peace, harmony and love.
New Year Hope!
Why is the earth so beautiful despite all the trouble and sorrow?
I was thinking this to myself this day. After briefly watching the news, which was as usual very sad and depressing. I then went out for a slow walk via the park(I am still suffering from a leg accident, so I have to walk slowly) then I turned onto the country lane, leading behind the cemetery, and alongside the field. I looked across at the woods, where once I had seen a beautiful red fox, as he ran out playfully into the field in the summer.
Now, instead it is cold the pale winter sunshine had illuminated the trees, these were all covered in last night,s rain, and it made them sparkle like crystals. It was a dazzling display to watch, like hundreds of little lights suddenly been turned on! A bird sang a melodious tune up in the trees. The tune sounded so cheerful and hopeful , that it actually made me smile. Can life really get better? I wondered, or is it just all doom and gloom e everywhere.
Out here in nature all looks well and life goes on full of hope and then I suddenly feel a part of it, like so many people who sometimes stop to appreciate the nature around them.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart" Ecclesiastes 3 v 11.
The creator God has made us and nature for His and our good pleasure to enjoy and appreciate. We remember what God has done, by forming the earth and filling it with beauty , a perfect place for humans to live in peace, love, harmony with nature and animals. In nature we can feel the presence of God.
"My ears have heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." (Job42.5)
When we look at the creation we are seeing God's own handiwork.
It is also a hope for the future when once again God will replenish the earth and we will dwell there with God. God will dwell with us, and once again the glory of God will cover the whole earth.
He shall wipe every tear from their eyes and they will study war no more !
How we long for that time!
Until then we can but strive to live in peace, harmony and love.