Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 17 Feb 2025, 03:56
What I have done this week
It is Winter time, so trying to keep warm and cosy! 🧤🧥🧢🧦🔥⛄ Have been making lots of lovely vegetarian meals with lots of fresh green vegetables, which I buy from a friend who has an allotment. I have recently discovered 'Kale ' which is absolutely delicious with pasta and cheese sauce 🥬🥦🥒🧅🧀 Another favourite of mine at the moment, is vegetable pie and mushroom pie with gravy. Healthy as well as comforting!
Been walking along a new circuit, near where I live. This circuit consists of a very steep incline up towards the market place and another steep incline, leading from the back of the park up tree lane. This is good for strengthening the leg muscles! so before shopping I try to have a little walk.
In the past I have always walked this way, but from the other side, so I always came down hill each time. Going up hill is a bit more of a challenge! for me, especially with my bursitis on both my knees.
I have been going to Charity shops lately and thrift shops in search of bargains this winter with my son. I used to work in a charity shop on Saturday's many years ago. Today I ended up buying some very warm wooly men's jumpers even one for myself!
We tried out the new tea room on the Market place, a bit claustrophobic, but is ok at a certain time in the day, when it is less busy, so if we go at that time it is usually more quieter.
Went to visit the library too, to borrow some books, but I have not yet had time to read them, maybe after TMA0 3, then I will have more time to read other non OU books. At the moment most of my reading is done online and connected to my course.
I have gathered together a nice little collection of french films, which I am learning a lot more french from, after my french module.. I am so glad that I got all the basics and the intermediate knowledge first from the OU.
For now I am enjoying walking around my village and chatting to some friends I meet.
 Funnily enough, since the accident, I have made many more friends. People who come up to me and chat to me and always ask about John, If he is getting better. He is such a character and is very sociable. Lots of people knew him and wondered where he was.. It was so good to feel the support from my local community.
Winter- I Have A Cold!
What I have done this week
It is Winter time, so trying to keep warm and cosy! 🧤🧥🧢🧦🔥⛄
Have been making lots of lovely vegetarian meals with lots of fresh green vegetables, which I buy from a friend who has an allotment. I have recently discovered 'Kale ' which is absolutely delicious with pasta and cheese sauce
Another favourite of mine at the moment, is vegetable pie and mushroom pie with gravy. Healthy as well as comforting!
Been walking along a new circuit, near where I live. This circuit consists of a very steep incline up towards the market place and another steep incline, leading from the back of the park up tree lane. This is good for strengthening the leg muscles! so before shopping I try to have a little walk.
In the past I have always walked this way, but from the other side, so I always came down hill each time.
Going up hill is a bit more of a challenge! for me, especially with my bursitis on both my knees.
I have been going to Charity shops lately and thrift shops in search of bargains this winter with my son. I used to work in a charity shop on Saturday's many years ago. Today I ended up buying some very warm wooly men's jumpers even one for myself!
We tried out the new tea room on the Market place, a bit claustrophobic, but is ok at a certain time in the day, when it is less busy, so if we go at that time it is usually more quieter.
Went to visit the library too, to borrow some books, but I have not yet had time to read them, maybe after TMA0 3, then I will have more time to read other non OU books. At the moment most of my reading is done online and connected to my course.
I have gathered together a nice little collection of french films, which I am learning a lot more french from, after my french module.. I am so glad that I got all the basics and the intermediate knowledge first from the OU.
For now I am enjoying walking around my village and chatting to some friends I meet.
 Funnily enough, since the accident, I have made many more friends. People who come up to me and chat to me and always ask about John, If he is getting better. He is such a character and is very sociable. Lots of people knew him and wondered where he was.. It was so good to feel the support from my local community.