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Fifty Years Keeping a Diary!

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Today marks the 50th Anniversary of my starting a diary. I was 13. It was a Five Year Diary. I filled that religious every day for the first three years, that filled years four and five over all the allocated lines before moving to a new Five Year Diary, where I soon found I had too much to write so once again took to filling two or three years worth of lines. In due course I moved to an A4 Notebook and wrote a page a day in that ... except for times when it got out of hand and I wrote several, even many pages for the day. At one point for a month I had a Arch Leaver File which I filled with ephemera like a scrapbook. That was September 1978. 

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Judith McLean

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Hello Jonathan

I always liked the idea of writing a diary and actually did start one many years ago.  However, i thought I was writing nothing of importance but it would be interesting now that im older to look back on things i have forgotten.
