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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 10, Activity 3 & 4: instructions

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009, 17:57

Activity 3&4 were aquite interesting to me. I developed some skills about software and resources which I was not familiar with. I wrote some notes about the different applications and resources I used, mainly to reflect my own thoughts.

Using Delicious
I have opened up my delicious account since I had to read the O’Reilly Article in week 5 and have used it for a couple of weeks now. I do like the fact that delicious offers an online bookmark solution. I wasn’t familiar with it; it was quite new to me.
I had to get used to the tags though. In Internet Explorer I had all my favourites organized neatly in folders and in Delicious my favourites are organized by Tags. The side menu is a cool little invention and when synchronized with the main software it gives you a good overview of your favourites.

Using the OU Library
I have tagged a couple of interesting papers in Delicious and tagged them with H800_Block2_2009.  OU Library was often very slow, probably due to the amount of users at around 20:00 hrs.

I am very impressed by the amount of articles one can find in the OU library, it is all new to me and I find it very interesting. Activity 4a and 4b helped me using the OU Library although it clearly speaks for itself as well. I got a bit side tracked by the enormous amount of articles and read a couple of interesting articles.

Using Safari
Safari is a software applications which I’m not familiar with. I advise people like me to follow the tutorial as it helped me using it. I found the bit how to use databases very helpful. I have done a crash course in the past and it freshened up some information that was already been buried deep deep in the subconscious.

I have not done all the activities in the tutorial because it takes quite a lot of time, which I had not at the moment. I did the WWW part and again dug up some information in my brain that was  buried a long time ago.  I would say that I find Safari quite helpful in this stage of my study.

Using the Flash Tutorials

Using the Flash tutorials is quite useful. You have to invest a bit of time though as some tutorials lasts approximately 90 minutes. I have watched the introduction of using IEEE Xplore and the strategies for successful searches. Including the little activities it took me a over an hour. Very helpful information.

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