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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 10, activity 7: exploring OER'S

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Hi All,

These kinds of Open Learning Resources are completely new to me. In activity 6 I asked myself if Open Educational Resources could have the same quality as commercial resources. The initiatives from MIT and the OU seem very promising. As institutions, I must say that they have a certain authority...a good reputation.
I have looked at all 3 of them and was specifically interested in courses which have to do with education. The Open Learn from the OU was interesting as they offer quite a lot of courses. I was, as mentioned before, interested in educational courses and therefore chose to analyze the OpenLearn from the OU a bit more.

I choose the following course: Creating Open Educational Resources. A complete planning was available, I have looked into some assignments, and the basic structure was almost the same as we have in our OU assignments. The course quality was, for me, impressive. I just wondered if one could use these resources as an in-service training for professionals. I also noticed that there was a course or training for PGCE-1 and PGCE-2 in which topics were meant for in-depth training.

It all looks promising but I want to see in the next activity how one can modify the activities. Is it difficult, is it easy, is there a chief editor, can anyone login and modify course materials.......I am looking forward to discover this.



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