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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Vignette B

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Hi ALl,

I did the same for Vignette B, please correct me if I'm wrong here.
I found an interesting comment: …it might conflict with the methods the student already used..which made me think about acquired skills. Are they necessarily the most effective ones?

A helpful activity might be to open up minds to see some applications from a different angle. If students stay stuck in their already acquired skills there is no progress to be made. I think it's important to challenge students so that they see new ways of using technology in different contexts.

Here are my reflections:

Vignette B

1.   Utility and ease of use are key factors in the appreciation of ICT tools provided by the course
I’ve learned how to do things like – what you call it – screen shots? Yes, screenshots … I have actually used that outside of the course. I was quite impressed with myself as well. I found something on the internet and didn’t know how to save it, although I do now … I took a screenshot so that was probably quite a positive moment … I hadn’t thought about it until you asked me but yes, that was a positive moment. I remember being really excited about that.”

2.    The relevance of ICT tools to the work context can fuel study commitment
“… I think you always learn something when you work in a different context.”

“I think it also gives you a useful way to communicate with service users because you have things like complaints procedures and feedback and stuff which is all online, based in our agency so it enables you to communicate well with the service users and it makes you think about perception as well … Yes even with email. You have to be very careful. You can get into a knot with what you say … it’s so instantaneous that, once it’s gone it’s gone, you know.”


3.   ICT elements in courses introduce a practical element into study, which is much valued by students
“It’s something that will be really useful but at the moment is taking so much time for me to learn how to do it and that’s taken away from time I could be doing other stuff … but I can see how it will be [in] the future once I got my head around it. I think probably for the next year’s course, it will have filtered through and I will know what I am doing.”


What I will do is put any of the assignments I’ve started … onto the Flash drive … and then I back it up … it’s mostly when I’m starting assignments. If I started at home and then I’ve got some spare time in my lunch break. I can take it on my Flash drive to work and just continue working on it. Before I was using a Flash drive I was emailing things back and forth between home and work and then I got confused about which was the most recent variation.”

4.   Online study methods are valued where they support students’ feelings of control and being able to make progress
“Yes absolutely … I probably took some stuff from work to be able to do it and I took some stuff from the exercise in order to develop myself in work.”


5.   ICT tool usage can help to connect study with application to practice in the workplace
Interesting comment: …it might conflict with the methods the student already used
haven’t hated it, but it’s been quite frustrating at times … I learnt early on that you have to go through everything step by step. Even if you think you know something. Because when it comes to doing the computer-marked assignments, if you’ve skipped a bit you then have to go back and do it anyway. So … because there’s several ways of doing things I know … ways that I tend to do things that previously haven’t been the way it’s been taught on the course. So I’ve sort of had to learn a different method of doing things and had to go through it all step by step.”

6.     Students’ different work contexts influence their attitudes towards the ICT in their course.
… in the general discussion forum we sort of exchange what we do and we are all doing different things … we do discuss our different perspectives of practice.”



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