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Personal Blogs

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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1. Asks you to demonstrate how as a participant in the activity(s) you have come to understand choices that practitioners and learners make.  2. Asks you to reflect on your own experiences outside of this as a teacher/learner/practitioner and compare it with this.  In essence you are to look at the activities through a critical lens of other experiences you have had in your professional or personal life to analyse you experiences of the activities in H800.  How do they compare? What change, if any, have they had on your beliefs?

I have printed this out on A3 and I've stuck it against the wall above my computer. I find it hard to focus on this...I keep side tracking all the time! Is it just me or...?

Back to TMA02...

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Nathan Lomax


Hi Eugene,

I agree, you have to keep reminding yourself of the prescribed outline to keep from going off task. 4,000 words doesn't sound much but the challenge is packing a summary of all the reading & research into the 700 words. I lost 10 marks in TMA1 as I related the theory to my general educational experience rather than the tasks I had done in block 1. I was a bit confused by this, as there are constant reminders that:

 "examples may come from your personal or family life, and you may interpret ‘learning’ broadly."

I've stopped looking at TMA2 now, though I have to keep editing as I go through  the references.

Good luck!

Nathan, Barbara's group