OU blog

Personal Blogs

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 18: social networking tools

Visible to anyone in the world

Hi All,

Week 18 looks like an interesting an fun week.  Participating and exploring social network tools.

If anyone reads this blog, here are my accounts which you can follow:

Delicious: eusie
Twitter: eusie
Google: eugenevoorneman
Flickr: eugenevoorneman@ymail.com

I am off to France fot he whole of next week. Going on a schooltrip. Just in case I have got some spare time, I've packed my laptop to follow up with H800.

Just to give you some thoughts about my first impressions about the tools:

Delicious: very usefull. I have downloaded most of my favourites into my account and can access them every where I am. I've found some very usefill links for study and work and I always forget to mail 'em to my account so I can save it on my computer. Now I just save it into delicious. The downside so far for me is that I have got so many tags at the moment that I sometimes forget which tag I used for a specific link.


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