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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 18: Twitter and Tweets

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Hi All,

I have read a lot about Twitter and how this can be a useful tool for education. I'm quite new to this and have to get around it a bit. It's fun for sharing short messages...I can't seem to discover the use for educational purposes at the moment, but maybe someone can help me out on this subject.

It is quite easy to do by the way through my mobile phone...addictive as well...oh nooooo!!!

Well see you on Twitter...

username: eusie


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Hi Eugene

I am also puzzled as to how Twitter can be educational, and am wondering what can be said in 140 characters, I am hoping that it is not going to add to the text talk I already seem to be getting in my undergraduate student essays.

I am still getting to grips with it and have found some interesting follows, but will need more time I think..Stephen Fry seems to be an interesting tweeter,

Best Wishes


Nathan Lomax

Twitter as an educational tool


I have been using Twitter for a while now, and find it useful for links to useful websites within my field (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). The trick is to see who other people, e.g. your course tutor, are following and follow them yourself.

I started off looking for famous people but soon lost interest in that when I realised the resource sharing potential.

Please feel free to follow me and see the people I follow. My Twitter name is nlomax.

Cheers & hasta la Twittersphere