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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 21 & 22: Activity 1D Technology in our Organisation: Part 1

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Friday, 31 July 2009, 16:52

Hi All,

These are my notes for assigment 1D with the Conole paper integrated and some web 2.0 websites or tools that are relevant to me. I have split my notes up in 4 parts otherwise this Blog Post is much too long. Enjoy reading and feel free to comment.

Part 1
Since 2002 our school organisation has made a massive shift in its use technology. It was the first year we had a proper ICT Budget and at last we could invest in our IT structure. We set up our school network and connected the kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and the administration department to it. Since then our school has changed drastically and become almost fully digitalised. (There are now computers in classrooms, IT rooms, smartboards, an email system, online admin tools, a website, digital video cameras, photo cameras, use of software in class, digital assessments, a digital follow up system, digital reports and the use of Office as a standard in our school)
In the same way that Conole described in her article, there were a couple of triggers that forced our school to make a swift change in its use of technology.  The triggers were the increasing use of internet and email, the sheer development of Windows based PC’S (we had old Macintosh computers) and the continuous development of our direct competitors (International Schools in the area).
I would conclude that up until 2005 we made good progress, but then things seemed to plateau. However, the current use of web 2.0 based applications by students and some teachers are triggers for our school to take the next step in IT development: creating an online or electronic environment to communicate with students (Moodle, StudyWiz) and installing Wi-Fi in our school to provide more teaching facilities for staff members and the use of laptops in school by students.

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