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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 21 & 22: Activity 1D Technology in our Organisation: Part 2

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 21:05

Part 2 is about the barriers in our Organisation

Part 2
There are however, some barriers in our school when it comes to technology. Conoly made the following statement in her article: “The minority who are facing a frustrating battle trying to convince their colleagues of the importance and impact of these new technologies, finding themselves arguing against outdated arguments and concepts about technologies which relate to the way things used to be and have little or nothing to do with the reality of today’s digital environment.” People in our school tend to look back and compare with the past instead of looking at today & tomorrow, or instead of engaging critically in the discussion and seeing what is useful or not, they do not compare at all!!

Our school website, for example, needs to be updated. It was designed in a typical web 1.0 environment in which people are only consuming the information. The ICT co-ordinators want to make it more interactive and want the school community to be able to participate more in it. We believe that web 2.0 can provide us with the proper tools to do this: blogs, wiki’s and video sharing.

I have found a pretty good example of a school that has already done this: http://www.scuola3d.eu/index.php?t=1
Our school has the ideas, a survey has been done to find out what the community wants and now we have to look for the right company to build our website.

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