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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 21 & 22: Activity 1D Technology in our Organisation: Part 3 & 4

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 21:06

Part 3&4 are about the implications for teachers:

Part 3:
Conole says on page 9 that the implications for teachers and others are less radical. She continues on page 10 to mention the fact that lack of participation by staff members in peer networks: “... students are in peer networks. The same is not true for academics; currently the majority of teachers are not connected in this way and hence the potential benefits of such networks are not apparent to them. Participation in the blogosphere or via microblogging services such as twitter or immersion in 3D-worlds such as second life, only have true value if others are contributing and if what they are saying is of interest to you as an individual, i.e. if it adds value to your practice. Academics currently struggle to see the practical benefits of these tools, being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity and potential possibilities and intimidated by the fact that incorporation of these new approaches will require a fundamental change in their role as ‘teacher’ and associated lose of authority.”

This is quite true I’m afraid. In our school the majority of teachers are not participating in peer networks and therefore gain no new knowledge. The most frequently heard argument is that they are afraid of violation of privacy. In my opinion it is the fear of using new technology because they haven’t experienced it yet.  I participate in a couple of peer networks for teachers in which one shares knowledge, materials and even problems. It is quite interesting and very different to other social network sites. A good example of an English version is the following website: http://teachade.com/

How do we get teachers to be less afraid of web 2.0?  Perhaps we have to provide opportunity for them to participate and experience web 2.0, facilitate proper training and then give them a gentle push over the edge!
I have found, in my opinion, a very good website that helps people to get acquainted with web 2.0 tools. It is a an online learning program by the California School Library Association 2.0 team

It presents a very good example of bringing web 2.0 INTO the classroom. What is also important to note is that as a teacher, you can train yourself in your own pace and time!

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