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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 22: My mindmap

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 14 July 2009, 15:07

This is my mindmap. The page wasn't big enough to map out all the applications I use. These are the main ones I use.

Click on this link to see the larger file


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PLE visualisation

Hi Eugene

Firstly, I'm very impressed with your mind map (and the range of tools included) - mine is very grey and dull by comparison. 

When I was visualising my PLE I became concerned that I couldn't see other people in it anywhere (which is odd for a set of technologies that apparently foster collaboration).  I eventually added people as a resource in my PLE but cannot see any other students who have done so.

What do you think - are other people part of a student's PLE or is this to be viewed narrowly as a collection of tools and resources to be found on line?