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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 23: activity 1 Terms Used in TEL

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 21 July 2009, 15:08

I decided to post a part of activity 1 in my Blog. The terminology of TEL is posted in our group wiki otherwise the posting in the Wiki would have been, in my opinion, too long.

    1. What do terms like computer-assisted learning mean to you?
      CA-learning means to me that I learn with the computer as a tool to assist me in my learning. The literal meaning basically. The computer helps me to learn.
      For example: I use my computer for writing a document, I use my computer for research for an assignment. My course content is in books and I attend face-to-face courses.
    2. Is this different from e-learning or technology-enhanced learning?
      In my opinion it is.  I see TEL or e-learning more as terminology in which the computer plays a bigger role. It replaces some key features like books, classrooms and tutors. CA-leaning is for me a level beneath all of this:  the computer is just a tool to help me.
    3. If these terms do differ, is it just in theory definition or do they carry a broader metaphorical meaning?
      E-learning and TEL carries in my opinion a broader metaphorical meaning. E-learning implies to me that learning is done solely with the computer. TEL implies to me that the computer takes over specific roles in the learning process (classroom and tutor roles for example)
    4. If the terms do carry such implied meanings, what are they
      For me the following terms have the following meaning:
      CA-learning: learning in a traditional way (classrooms, face-to face tutorials) with the computer as an aid.
      E-learning: learning done through the computer only, replacing tradition pedagogical tools like books and libraries
      TEL:an overarching metaphor.  A step further than e-learning:  use of social websites and other new technologies (web 2.0) to enhance learning, the use of micro-blogging to communicate and learn as well

      and how might they affect the way you think about the area you are studying?
      The way I study is solely through the computer. I don't attend to face-to-face tutorials and all my course content is online. I access this content through a VLE and I use my PLE for learning. The computer has taken over the role of the classroom, content and the way I communicate with other students.
      I conclude that I am doing an E-learning course with TEL tools (wiki, blog, Twitter).
      It has not affected the way I think regarding the area I study. However it made me realise that different terminology can cause confusion: web 2.0, TEL, Elearning, VLE, PLE, LMS, ILMS. It is therefore useful for me that I can describe the various terms and make a clear distinction in the meaning between those terms.

Cheers Eugene


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Hi Eugene

Just read your blog re Week 23.  I totally agree with you.  Leaning is individual - access to tools and resources whether on or offline assist learning but at the end it is up to the individual what you decide helps and the linkages you make.

Some of the metaphors are too clever for me - I don't mind the overly simplistic - really I don't!

Di - Sarah's group