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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 1: 1.3&1.4 ePortfolio

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I have explored some ePortfolio's today: Mahara and Snappages. I've tried to open an account with PebblePad as well, but it seems that you have to pay for this (or maybe I misunderstood).
I've opened up accounts for Snappage and Mahara and Snappage was quite fun to work with, unfortunately both applications haven't fulfilled my expactations: easy access, quick upload of documents, overview of blogs etc.
I am still quite happy with my iGoogle account in which I have everything I need: Google Docs for backing up my documents, Google Reader for following my fellow H808 students, Google Calender for an overview of my activities.

I have explored My Stuff too and must say that I am begining to like this as well. When I'm browsing on the forum it is very easy to save interesting comments, links and articles and share this with my tutor group (Don't forget to add your share stuff in the compilation). I haven't filled in all the CV forms (yet), but in my opinion I believe it's quite useful to have an online CV which you can access wherever and whenever you want.

Well, looking back on the first two weeks of H808, I found this quite interesting. I am looking forward to the next Unit in which we have to do some collaborative work.

Cheers, Eugene

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