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Unit 2: 2.1 ePortfolios-drivers and case studies: a reflection

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 19:19

I'm trying to get into Unit and have read the introduction. 3 drivers so far (Uk based?): a reflection on my thought and notes

3 drivers so far:

1. Requirement to implement personal development planning (PDP): for students only? My OU course is part of my PDP for my job. Partly paid by my employer and partly by myself. H808 is focusing on higher education...why?

2. The move in both formal and vocational courses towards students providing evidence of attaining programme outcomes: anyone can choose their own system...is there not a conflict in communication with each other if we all use something different? Do we need a common denominator? Is My stuff accessible only for those who study at the OU?

3. The life long learning agenda (PDP and the ability to evidence learning outcome are also important life-long learning skills): Who owns the content? In my opinion a strong driver: keeping your ePortfolio up to date helps you simply to have a proper overview of what you've done (simplified)....btw I still have my 3-ring binder!!

Various definitions of ePortfolio systems. The one I relate to the most: JISC: ..simply electronic versions of physical portfolios that contain digital objects instead of physical objects.

Why? Because I like definitions to be simple smile

Next: reading Beetham (2003)



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