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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 The Drivers

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Sunday, 4 Oct 2009, 19:39

I've skim read various papers and the one I've focussed on provided me with the following drivers:

Beetham 2003: 
JISC e-learning and pedagogy program:
- Potential Applications of e-portfolios
- Technical developments
- Organisational, management and regulatory issues

Aalderink & Veugelers (2005):
Dutch Government tries to implement e-portfolios into higher education.
The project provided an integrated learning management system (LMS) and an e-portfolio system (N@tschool). 7 Universities in the Netherlands worked together on a toolkit (website) with information and documents to be used at the start of portfolio implementation. In this paper the Universities of Amsteram and Windesheim are highlighted.


EifEL: The European consortium for the digital portfolio:
Europortfolio wants to “engage upon an orchestrated effort involving both educational and corporate institutions to define, design, and develop digital portfolio systems that meet the needs of all stakeholders”.



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