OU blog

Personal Blogs

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 3: 3.1 review of Google Apps & My Stuff

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Google Apps

My Stuff


With iGoogle you can have various Google Applications under one roof. For file repository one can use Google Docs which is compatible with the common Office files. However, large Excel documents tend to upload quite difficultly.

Interesting comments made in the OU forum (inside and outside H808) can be stored by exporting the file into a word document and upload it into Items.. The file repository is different than Google Docs. It is a list of saved documents which are tagged by the drop down menu at the top of the page.  Office compatible documents can be stored very easily.


Google provides an aggregator as well. Google Reader is a tool which can be integrated in iGoogle as well. Google Reader gives an overview of the blogs you want to follow. You can share your rss feeds with your contacts (they have to be notified). If you have a Google Blogspot account then it’s very easy to access your blog.

I haven’t found an aggregator in My Stuff. Once logged in the OU VLE you have access to your personal Blog and My Stuff. It is not integrated and as for now My Stuff can’t be used as an aggregator (I haven’t found it)


Google reader and Google Docs give the user the opportunity to share saved files, articles, documents and so on. Notification by email and a fellow H808 student can follow your shared items. If in doubt, Google provides a clear tutorial.

My Stuff provides a clear sharing system as well. Once your documents or other stuff are saved, you can easily transfer the files to the shared content (compilation). Click on the people you want to share it with and they receive a notification. I believe they will be guided to your compilation area.


Google Groups is an application in which one can set up a Group with shared interest pretty quickly and easy. One can create a learning environment with shared members with restricted and shared areas. Invitation by email only and people have to register to have access.

I haven’t come across to create groups in My Stuff. My Stuff provides the members of your tutor group which is set as a group. My fellow H800 students were listed as well. I found this feature very useful.

Ease of Use

iGoogle provides some kind of portal to the Google Apps. All the applications combined together provide a, in my opinion, good e-portfolio

I still have to find my way around My Stuff. The immediate save button in the former OU’s VLE was very useful. Each comment, reflection, article could be stored within one mouse click. Exporting the file into a Word document is useful as well.


Google Apps communicate very well each other. Google Docs is compatible with Office. Other blogs can be followed by reader (making comments on a Blog which isn’t a Google one is difficult)

Files can be exported as Office files, the OU VLE provides access to your OU Blog. I would say it isn’t as interoperable as Google Apps

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