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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009, 19:42

Unit 3 looks very promising. Martin Weller (I've come across him as well in H800) is always in for some controversial opinions. Core activity 3.1 provided me with some useful insights. How to use Mobile Devices in your e-portfolio for example. I haven't looked at this feature in my review, but I find this a useful criteria to look at in other e-portfolio applications.

However.......back to Unit 2.3 reading the papers and write my summary.

Cheers, Eugene

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Alan Clarke

Mobile Devices

Hi Eugene

I think it is vital that e-portfolios can be managed using mobile technologies since there is a clear trend towards there use. I am personally exploring the use of an iphone and it certainly has both strengths and weaknesses

Best Wishes
