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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.1 PodCast Mobility in elearning

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You can find my podcast here.

Thank you, Eugene

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Podcast Review

Hi Eugen,

I have reviewed your podcast according to the criteria set out by the H808. Also, I was surprised and flattered to here you mention my own podcasts. It was good to here that I sound relaxed on them, even though I do not always feel relaxed when recording them. Thank you.

Eugen’s Podcast

· Sound quality.
Fairly quiet which meant I could not listen to it on my iPod while commuting.

· Broadcast quality.
A good introduction and the content flowed well, sounding confident and relaxed. Not too scripted, not too improvised. This is particularly impressive as English is not Eugens first language.

· Suitability.
Eugen is discussing a topic which he has personal experience of which means he is well informed and I think this should be played to developers of distance learning courses to help them get a better understanding of needs of learners.

· Length.
A good length for an introduction although It was so interesting I could have listened to more.

· Interest
An interesting topic and a friendly and confident speaker made this very interesting.

· Academic quality.
A good example of a personal learning environment of an OU learner who needs to work from multiple locations clearly explaining what factors influence the decisions he makes.

· Suggestions for improvement
This could be followed up with a more detailed look at some of the systems discussed, and how they are used on a day to day basis. This could also be developed into an audio diary in which you instantly feedback on what systems you are using for your studies and how well they have worked.

· Suggestions for use.
As I have already mentioned I think this would be useful for anyone developing or supporting distance learning courses as it clearly explains some of the issues a learner has to consider when working from multiple locations

This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

New comment

Hi Kevin,

Sorry for the late reply. I have been on holiday. Thanks for your review and comments, really appreciated. My chosen topic is still relevant to me as I’m moving around in different countries which slows the study pace as well J Will be at the BETT next week...in between some ECA work to do.

I had already listened to a couple of your podcasts and maybe the reason you seem quite relaxed behind the mic is because of the subjects you talk about. They are interesting and very relevant to our course. You come across as someone who knows much about the topics you talk about and therefore you seem quite relaxed creating your podcasts.
I am not as experienced as you are. Recording my music is easy, because you don’t hear your own voice. Talking to an empty space is somehow not a natural thing for me to do..maybe it will change. Despite my nerves, I enjoyed doing this activity.

Good luck with your ECA and thanks for the review.

Cheers, Eugene