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Design Museum

Google Docs or perhaps EduBlogs?

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 15 Sept 2010, 11:02

Where and how do I share in a secure online environment with 40 swimming teachers, 12 admin staff:

Swimming teaching and coaching plans.

  • NPTS Grade 4-10
  • Squad Competitive Swimming County-Regional-National Standard
  • Micro & Macro-cyles

About 200 documents

  • Squad Books
  • Club Photos
  • Competition Details

Workforce Development

  • Courses
  • CPD
  • Licensing
  • CRB checks
  • Induction
  • Mentoring
  • Meetings


  • Newsletters by group and grade

This is has been a headache for years, which I feel can be resolved and better managed with something like Google Docs. Whatever Facebook can offer, its image is tarnished, so I can't see anyone taking me seriously if I place and lock documents there.

I'm very aware of Data Protection issues so none of the 'data base' info of our 1,000 members will go beyond a handful of people who keep it on their PCs. However this is some info that must be shared with specific teachers and coaches.

We have a website, but there is a limit to what volunteers can be expected to do and manage therefore 'free' software and service, or at small cost.

Early days to believe photos and video clips could be put here too for teaching-training purposes.

My thoughts thus far:

Google Docs


Any other suggestions to give a go before I start migrating things here?

This will need to link with contact details in Outlook.



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Hi Jonathon,

Have you considered using dropbox?

You are able to share folders with various other users and could drop all appropriate documents into different folder for each.  I am sharing several resource folders with a couple of work colleagues which automatically sync when a new document is added.



Design Museum

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Thanks Mark, I'll set some time aside tomorrow to take a good look at Dropbox before I upload everything into Google Docs or try to cut and paste it into a website.