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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 20 Oct 2010, 04:54

For the last hour I've been drilling deeper into the layers of Compendium in order to collate and compose and collect evidence for H808 TMA01 which requires reflection on the first FOUR units of 'The E-learning professional.'

I noticed this typo and a rye smile forms. The temptation is to leave it. For some this is the attitude to blogs and bloggers, that it all might as well be flushed away.

As we know, this writer thinks differently.

I think there is value in the flotsam and jetsam of one's mind being backed-up in some way, whether privately in a diary-like blog that is private for you only to read, or a mind-opening memoire, a personal internal-debate or simply a record of what you do and who you meet and what is said ... that you expose and disclose to others, selectively or otherwise, to make friends, or not, to find like-minds ... on a blogging platform that suites you or in/or your own website.

This here isn't for the purposes of social networking.

This is just one thing that sets the OU Blog patform apart from others. I like this scroll or honour, the vicarious way in which entries you would otherwise never read are placed before yor eyes.

Having blogged for 11 years and 3 weeks it is the relationship with only one or two people that comes to matter. You get into each other's heads, or at least that part you are willing to share. Their voice becomes familiar, their views respected and valued.

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Hi Jonathan,


I could not find any other way to contact you but here is the link to the learning styles questionnaire that you asked for on my blog:




Best regards,


Suits me

Hello Jonathan

I couldn't agree more - your final paragraph in particular resonates.

I certainly respect and appreciate the comments left by other bloggers and the subsequent rapport which has developed.

There's a richness and depth with blog postings which you don't generally get with fora; one can be more oneself - or the self one chooses to display - as you say. Fora tend to have a particular culture based on one or two 'leaders' and if you don't tow the line - woe betide you!

The OU blogosphere suits my odd-ball way of communicating which doesn't really work on fora.



Daniel Bick

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To Mr Vernon with the lovely brain.


What Kay said.


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I've been fretting about what to say, here, for a day [I think]. You're right [as always], but some nagging twatage tells me that you've missed out something essential. Although I have not one idea of what that might be...

Could have written this yesterday...