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So there's a word for it. Courtesy of the Today Programme, BBC Radio 4 in the last few minutes (08.56)

People who deliberately play music without headphones as a form of bullying, saying 'sod off' to the world and an act of aggression.

Five or six years ago someone sat down opposite me doing this and I asked him to turn it down. If looks could kill ...

I moved down the train. He moved to a seat behind me.

I got off the train and moved to a different carriage. He followed again. This time I sat with my back to the wall. His pursuit ended when he reached his destination.

This weekend eight hours on the train I just got up and moved ... three times, to dodge leaky headphones, not even sodcasting.

You may say that the answer is for me to plug in too.


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Oh I do sympathise with you.  I commute 1 1/2 hours each way by train and frequently ask people to turn down their music - this is when they're actually wearing a headset.  I have also asked youths playing music without their headset to turn it down.  So far I havn't had a major problem and most mumble and swear at me - but no violence or overt bullying.  Most turn their music down.

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Yes, been in a quiet carriage where soemone was phoing loudly, my pal (female , retired infant head) let him have it on both barrels. He went off down the corridor, never seen again.

Also had to ask someone on London bus not to smoke, I only have one lung. He co-operated with a lack of grace, but hey result!

Design Museum

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I have no desire to be the guy who is kicked or stabbed to death. Yet ... if there is communal oblivion to anything?

At an uncle's in Yorkshire he spotted some blokes out with lerchers, trespassing, hunting illegally.

No way would he inform anyone. I felt like grabbing some images on my mobile phone and calling the police anyway.

I did nothing. Why?

He lives in an isolated spot. Any comment on this wrongdoing would go back to the criminals who are known to take retribution.

My solution?

Hibernation. Escape. And go nowhere (unless chauffeur driven).

If you know of anyone with a cottage on an estate please let me know. I crave some space and silence.

Lindisfarne. Skye? Alderney. Or better still, a Greek Island, Northern Cyprus. Kenya perhaps. Or a cabin in Canada or a challet in the French alps.



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I think they are less likely to kick/hit older women who remind them of Mum or Gran. Broken up a few fights round one of my schools (on my own) and always used to think, if they hit me I'll have a week in hospital, lovely time for reading. As I'm tall and thin I don't look like I'm worth the bother of knocking down. I'm also up for telling loud mouths on buses to turn the volume down. Usually they just want folk to notice them, when they've got that they pipe down.

Sorry about earlier typos, should have been phoning and someone.