All efforts to deliver the best learning online will fail unless it can be commercialised and can compete in a global market.
Hasn't Google already got its foot jammed in the OU door?
Next the OU VLE will be ditched in favour of all OU courses being operated through Facebook with the OU eportfolio (already being compromised by the OU), ditched in favour of Google Docs or PepplePad. MyStuff is vastily superior - it was designed for the specific purpose of supporting OU students and is intergrated to the platform. Please simply put some effort into making the content interoperable. I've got 883 pages of content to date which I wish to exploit forever.
And why not?
The OU should and does concentrate on its core modus operandi ... sharing the higher education learning experience to as many as possible.
The OU is not and can never be the developer of software. It hasn't the capital or the commercial drive to compete. Instead it sidles up to the BBC and delivers worthy cross-platform learning experiences and indulgences.
The best place to e-learn on the planet?
Here of course. A bit of the OU, with the BBC, with an iPlayer.
I could do with a lot more TV to liven up H808.
I had expected video galore, clips on You Tube and men with beards on BBC2 in the middle of the night.
Let's do H808 TV.
I need a portaprompt.
I can write the script.
P.S. As a TV persion I do however appreciate that when you watch a TV programme you can be fooled - transcribe the script and you'll discover that more often than not the content is pitched at a 12 year old. Without instant links, peer review or collaborative development they can be as effective to learning as seeing a pretty picture in a cook book. The learning comes from gathering in the ingredients then having a go yourself. Anyone for 1066?
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You have been very busy with your blog recently. You are impressive in the quantity, breadth, and quality of your contributions to this course. Thank you. Also thank you for your contributions to my blog.
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You are so right about the prevalence of tools on the web which can deliver learning in a very interactive way. H808 struggles to enthuse, inspire and is sadly out of date in its content and its delivery.
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Lesley. I was just about to delete this entry so thanks for the comment. You may have noticed that I've visited your blog. I was going back on a reference to 6th September regarding TELP. I actually think if one can credibly add letters to your name, M.A. then ELP or some such, knowing that the awarding body is the OU or any other reputable and established institution then it provides kudos, if not bona fide 'Professional' status.
Given your command of so many e-learning tools I wish I could bring a project to you; the breadth of your experience with the technology is something I can and never will achieve - this isn't what my head is good at.
All the best, Jonathan
P.S. Enjoyed very much your journal entries on the Coneference in Bangkok.