The clout of these two platforms is so great and so profound that educators ignore them at their peril. If you want to develop a competitive and effective product the shares information and resources how can you do this on anything other than a parochial scale without the might of Google or Facebook? Indeed, is there not a business case to develop a product with a sale to one of these platforms the end game?
Money Talks
Philanthropy and advertising are forms of testosterone that are fuelling the phenomenal shift in the way we learn.
What do we do when every book can be searched by Google and the content of your mind has been taped since the day you were born?
A decade ago a businesswoman featured in an Washington Post article as she had spend a year (1998) blogging on her business meetings and posting photos too; she is a director of Linked IN. I don't necessarily recommend the process as an end in itself, but as a way to see patterns and exploit these, there will further extraordinary changes in the way we do things as a result.
Have calculators stopped us needing or doing mental arithmetic?
If the knowledge of the planet is at your finger-tips why try to recall anything?
I am a new user to the site I am starting K260 any one else doing K260.