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Design Museum

What generation are you? I was brought up with a remote control for the telly; I must be different

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Wednesday, 1 June 2011, 21:14

Prensky claimed in 2001 that computer use had changed children's brains. So quick? I thought evolution took longer than a week. They sliced Einstein's brain up and found that despite a lifetime of brilliance it was no different to any other lump of grey matter. Prensky could have learnt this from a primer on neuroscience.

This scarmonger had only one goal, to have yet another generation of tired and receptive teachers nod in agreement and blame kit they didn't understand or couldn't use and then the kids themselves. Nonsense. Is it really likely that 'our students' brains have physically changed - and are different from ours?'

Selwyn's 2008 research concludes that Prensky's Generation is no more homogenous than any other, with ample variation in attitudes and exposure to technologies and that in some instances, as in Belgium 'internet use often clashes with rather than complements students progress.'

Don't you find that face-to-face conversations with like minds or planning out an essay on sheets of paper in a quiet room is more effective than having all this yammering and incesant twittering going on around you?

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Cath and I

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Nothing to do with this blog Jonathan, just a thankyou for your comments and encouragement.   Tom
Design Museum

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You're welcome. Believe it or not us bloggers are a rare breed ... We survive on having some sense of there being readers out there!

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I prefer sheets of paper in a quiet room. I am of the generation of three black and white tv channels, huge spool to spool tape recording equipment, and computers which each filled a whole room. When someone says spam, it is a scary reminder of school dinners lol smile wren.
Design Museum

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I think of Spam as food too, but would love to pay a podcast of Monty Python's 'Spam' song.
Design Museum

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Is this the Monty Python Spam Song?
Design Museum

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Spam Spam Spam from Monty Python ... and whjy we call it Spam!

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I dursent look! the song might stick in my head, then I'll get nightmares of large round singing dancing spam slices smile I do love Monty Python though smile