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The End: Hitler's Germany 1944-1945

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Friday, 30 Sept 2011, 13:58
I'd say I'm reading this cover to cover, but it's an eBook that I am reading both on an iPad and Kindle. The Kindle for the bath, outdoors and when driving (I set it to voice snd put in earphones). Why? I enjoy Ian Kershaw; he can tell a good story and waves in almost as much detail as Proust.
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I hope Susan sees this post Jonathon.... Also, what is the voice reading text like? Is it bearable? I might find that feature useful for study if it's possible to put OU text books on the Kindle. What do you use it for? smile

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Voice is an option of Male of Female, both US. Can be set at a slower pace. With headphones or earplugs easy to listen to. Some of the pronunciations are ridiculous and books with long URLS are read out verbatim.

Educationally I find I pick up different things when I listen to it read, than when I read it myself.

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Hi Jonathan and Emily

I listened to a YouTube demonstration and I must say I wasn't too enamoured by the voice.  Reminded me of an old speech program I used to use called Hal, similar to Stephen Hawking's synthetic voice.  Having said that, I could probably get used to it for non-fiction works.


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In the early 1990s I had a Mac and there was a programme my broher-in-law was beta testing that generated speech from text. I had great fun going in to manufacture a Geordie Accent (I am, though I'd have to turn to Grandparents for the accent).

There are tools that allow much greater versatility and choice. Somewhere in an e-Reader I've seen English offered with RP, Scottish, Irish or Welsh accents.

I have also enjoyed an AUTHOR who reads the first chapter of her book hoping that beyond that you'll purchase the thing.