Over the course of a single working day, keep an eye out for examples of good practice wherever you may find them. During a commute, reading a newspaper, magazine or journal, observing 'things' (tangible products) in action or experiencing some service delivery. How could any of these be adapted to suit your organisation? Try and discover a good idea that could be adapted to suit your organisation from the experiences of as many of the following as you can: A member of your family (at work or school or wherever) A friend A colleague A supplier A competitor A customer
What has anyone else come across?
B822 : Book 3 : Creative Swiping pp74-75
Over the course of a single working day, keep an eye out for examples of good practice wherever you may find them.
During a commute, reading a newspaper, magazine or journal, observing 'things' (tangible products) in action or experiencing some service delivery.
How could any of these be adapted to suit your organisation?
Try and discover a good idea that could be adapted to suit your organisation from the experiences of as many of the following as you can:
A member of your family (at work or school or wherever)
A friend
A colleague
A supplier
A competitor
A customer
What has anyone else come across?