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Dee Panger

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Driving 63 miles to a Tutorial yesterday morning I caught something about Dee Panger on Saturday Live BBC Radio 4.

I'd just be listening to a poem by Selina Godden on Spring, which was composed like a blog post from London to Winter.

There were inheritance tracks from the Speaker of the House of Commmons, John Bercow:

Ziggy Stardust : David Bowie

Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush




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ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Without meaning to cheapen your blog, I have to say it took me ages to read that name correctly.  First I did a double take because I thought you'd titled it "Pee Danger" and I thought it was going to be a post about your swimming coaching.  And then I read it again and read "Deep anger".  It was all most confusing. 

It seems I'm just not understanding anything today.  Maybe today is not the day to try to start playing catch-up in my course!

Design Museum

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It was a slurred Deep Anger, and a comment therefore required on poor diction on the BBC and what fraction of something that is taken in while negotiating the roadworks on the M25. In relation to swim coaching, or anything else not related to my OU course I should keep it elsewhere.