Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012, 13:15
NHS Direct use Sitecore to manage their content in order to help ensure that the right content is found by the person who needs it.
Content is at the centre of everything.
This means getting content produced by NHS Direct to the right audience hubs, though reversioned so that Google doesn't ignore it. The Problem for NHS Direct is that people are unsure of the obline choices.
The solution was seen from a persona perspective the answer a combination of the 'Online health and symptom checker' that in a series of steps would get you either to:
Deal with it yourself
Visit a Pharmacy
Have a Webchat with a nurse
Or have a telphone Callback
Or Referred to GP
Various costs and the potential saving to the NHS were given from:
£219 to call out an ambulance £95 For a visit to A & E Or £32 to see your GP.
NHS and Sitecore
NHS Direct use Sitecore to manage their content in order to help ensure that the right content is found by the person who needs it.
Content is at the centre of everything.
This means getting content produced by NHS Direct to the right audience hubs, though reversioned so that Google doesn't ignore it.
The Problem for NHS Direct is that people are unsure of the obline choices.
The solution was seen from a persona perspective the answer a combination of the 'Online health and symptom checker' that in a series of steps would get you either to:
Various costs and the potential saving to the NHS were given from:
£219 to call out an ambulance £95 For a visit to A & E Or £32 to see your GP.
Whereas online you can be dealt with for £8-12
While with self analysis it is as little as .O5p
Sitecore Leverages content