This from B822 Creativity, Innovation and Change which ended in April.
Several reasons why as a technique it is out of the reach if most of us and impractical as a management tool.
a) What good is it 'dreaming up' something at random.
b) That has nothing to do with the course.
I found myself giving a presentation to an eager group in a crowded boardroom. I don't know why.
'and Jonathan is going to give you the criteria'.
And up I step, in a two piece suit with the manner of Montgomery addressing the troops - effusive, informed, consided and persuasive.
It went something like this:
"We human are blessed with an innate ability to float in water, though not necessarily fully clothed, or carrying a backpack and rifle."
"We should encourage swimming for a number of reasons: for the love of it, as a life skill, as a competitive sport and for fitness'.
At which point I am full conscious, which from a dream state meant 'I lost it'.
Why this dream?
I am reading a good deal on the First World War and I am swimming four or more times a week again after a long, slow easing back into the sport over the lt five months. I even got papers through yesterday which I only opened late in the evening before going to bed to say that I had passed the ASA Level 3 module on Sports Psychology (which makes 10// modules down on that 'Front'.
Spectator (from link in LinkedIn)
Are you blogging about a talk you gave on Dreams, or is the talk a dream?New comment
This was the dream. It bubbled up through the night and constructed itself like this. Quite vivid. I was wearing a grey, pin-stripe suit, quite loose possibly cotton or silk, reguar office fair. Colleagues in the small meeting room, some perched againtthe wall, others sitting on the floor.