Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 17 Sept 2012, 06:10
'A story to be effective had to convey something from writer to reader and the power of its offering was the measure of its excellence'.
So wrote John Steinbeck in 1962 in a letter to his Stanford Creative writing tutor Edith Ronald Mirrieless.
Through Amazon I have got a copy of 'Story Writing' and will apply it in due course. The necessary pain will be returning to a story and sticking with it through all the rewriting.
Story Writing: Edith R Mirrielees
'A story to be effective had to convey something from writer to reader and the power of its offering was the measure of its excellence'.
So wrote John Steinbeck in 1962 in a letter to his Stanford Creative writing tutor Edith Ronald Mirrieless.
Through Amazon I have got a copy of 'Story Writing' and will apply it in due course. The necessary pain will be returning to a story and sticking with it through all the rewriting.