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What's the difference between teaching a 14 year old compared to a 42 year old?

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 18 Nov 2013, 15:01

Fig.1. Lawrence Lek at the Design Museum

Both would learn from each other if given half a chance.

In swimming we talk about Long Term Athlete Development to differentiate by age and gender from around sge 4/5 to adult competitive swimmers in their 20s. Being a Masters swimmer too I reckon we regress.

What role does context play? I'm sure the 41 year old learns differently at a desk in an office than on an iPad at home.

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One is there because he wants to be there, the other because he has to be there.
Design Museum

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Yes ... obvious one. So where it matters there needs to be choice and the motivation to be there? I wonder if music, art and sport can be ruined when compulsoryat school? At school do some students simply make the most of having to be there and get on with a subject? I can also think of plenty of internal training in a work setting that is compulsory - but there is a bigger stick or motivation - pay or being sacked?

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I think the biggest motivation is "for its own sake". If you do something for gain or to avoid penalty, you are less involved than if you intrinsically like the subject.

Regarding school, I accept that maths and english should be mandatory but I believe all other subjects should be optional. There is always time to go back to something later in life.

Personally I don't remember anything outside of maths, language and science from my schooldays.