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H810 - How to turn 13 issues into 3 for our End of Module Assignment

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Sunday, 6 Jan 2013, 21:13

Courtesy of browsing through my own and two other tutor groups, and looking at the lists produced by a couple of student friends who did H810 in 2010 and 2011 I've developed this 'long list' of 13 issues. I wanted to eliminate concepts and models, which were distracting me. I struggled repeatedly to get these in any order until I did two things:

1) put the issues into my context, knowing the set up and people, what could or would result in something happening for the better in relation to delivering any learning, let alone accessible e-learning for those for whom there are barriers from a variety of known impairments or disabilities

2) create a table of all 13 issues and compare one to the other as less or more important IN MY CONTEXT.

My chosen context is the coaching and teaching of swimming in the UK - with e-learning available for teachers, coaches, club officials, parents and athletes.

I particularly want to thank Simon Carrie who has my point 3 as his first issue - I hadn't given it a moment's thought but in my context, and no doubt in the context of most of us, it cearly is very important - people and tools cost time and money.

(The ones I am likely to pick for the EMA are highlighted - skewed by the needs and practices of my chosen context)

1 Objecti(ive) - The importance of and scoping of the objective as means to an outcome
2 Subject - Significance or role of the subject (student/lecturer) User Centred Design. Involve users in the design.
3 Incentives - Incentives to invest
4 Universal Design - Universal Design/Equity
5= Novice 2 Expert - The role of the novice to learn, participate and develop expertise.
5= Framework for change - A framework for change - An Activity Systems as a model for analysis and action
7 Tools - Role of tools - assistive, web pages, equipment and 'design for all'.
8 Contradictions - Contradictions , conflicts of problems with the actions between components of a recognised activity system
9= Rules - The role of rules (legalese and guidelines) - informal and formal
9= History - What the history of such efforts says about what should be done next and what can be achieved in the future.
11= Division of labour - Division of labour - who is responsible, who is the broker?
11= Community - The community as a ‘community of practices’ or a constellation of connections that engage and participate.
13 Game-like - Game-like play between institutions

What are your thoughts? In your context? How would you prioritise or word these issues? Are there more still (probably).

The two other contexts that interest me are from the point of view of an e-learning agency and from a client point of view.

For the latter - Object(ive) as everyone works to the brief once this is written with clear objectives, universal design for those for whom design as an expressions of creativity and problem solving is important. Tools as agencies are expected to come up with a 'clever' technical response. Framework for change - as in a consultancy capacity the agency will be expected to offer some actionable plan.

For the former - Incentives (as performance Improvement), Rules (legal and mission compliance) and division of labour (who does what) are likely to be significant.


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Julie Inan

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hi, your blog always catches my eye as i am the mother of a swimmer, i wonder what course you are doing? i am interested in the future of swimming in the UK and which developmental path it will take after the recent poor showing at the Olymipics, of course the Paras were another story. cheers.
Design Museum

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I'm on H810 Accessible Online Learning - this is my fifth and final module to complete the Masters in Open and Distance Education. In swimming I teach and coach and do all kinds of other club things - more at www.coachmarlins.com. I was even chairman of the board of trustees for a leisure group for a while so I have a good view of why we didn't do as well as we hoped - actually, our swimmers achieved Personal Bests but other teams were far, far stronger and often deeper in talent too. Some solutions: it's about time the Amateur Swimming Association renamed itself the Professional Swimming Association and did even more to promote professionalism across the sport. The relationship between clubs and pool operators is typically attrocious - clubs simply don't get a fraction of the 'water time' they need. There are a fraction of the required 50m pools. I think we have 9, France has 90 and China has 900. So given these stats to get 10% of what France achieved or 1% of China would have been about right? Kids are learning to swim a couple of years too late - I'd have kids in the water age 3, swimming age 5 with all strokes and skills in place before they turn 9 when the competitive ones start to race. Plymouth, Plymouth Leander and Plymouth College are interesting - the 16 year old Lithuanian is at boarding school at Plymouth College on a swimming scholarship.
Julie Inan

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I agree entirely! My son teaches part time now, he more or less gave up competitive swimming when we moved to Nottingham, the club set up here is in the dark ages. Hopefully when he goes to uni later this year he will get involved with a club again. Interestingly my niece, who lives in Australia, has a 50m pool in her local complex and when she started to learn to swim, at about the age of 3, they taught her the correct stroke technique straight away - she showed us what she had learned and it was pretty impressive! Thanks for the reply, hope your Masters goes ok. Cheers.
Design Museum

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There is a shining light in all of this - Plymouth.