Hey Blogland,
well I'm worse... it sucks... i'm still tired... very little work has happened lol.
The CT scan showed nothing but it wasn't a total waste of time it managed to provide a good look into how my lungs are working so not all bad.
I'm currently on oxygen 24/7 more than 10minutes off of it results in my breathing becoming horribly laboured so just enought time to get changed into some different PJ's lol.
The oxygen man is coming tomorrow with extra long tubing so I can get around the house abit more so that I'm not stuck in my room all the time, he's bringing a mask as well so hopefully it'll be a bit more affective than the cannula because I currently have a cold and some sinus issues so it's not working wonderfully.
So pretty much sucks to be me at the moment, but I know people who are worse so I must stop complaining. Plus christmas is fast approaching so I'm hoping the excitment of that will disapate my current grumpy state.
I hope eveyone is having a better time in blogland and hopefull my next post will be cheerful
Stacie xoxo
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Hi Stacie,
Hope the tube is extra long so you can get around a bit. And I hope there's a bit of blue sky and Autumn colours for you to look at.
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Hope things look brighter soon Stacie
Sue xx
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Hey Stacie, keep plodding on, you will soon get through this bad patch ( easy for me to say, I know ). Nearly the weekend and nearly Chistmas with 2013 looming. Where does all the time go ?New comment
I'm overwhelmed when I read this, sometimes with personal anxiety as I am asthmatic - but nothing compares, my regime has almost always been under control and when not antebiotics or some oral steroids do the trick. The odd feeling that i've got a half-eaten bag of crisps for lungs or the dog is sitting on my chest is as far as it goes. I wrote a short story about an asthma attack in which the boy physically turned into sand and blew out under the cell door where he was being held ...