Friday, 3 July 2015, 15:54
Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Steve Bamlett, Tuesday, 11 Aug 2015, 09:28
Below is the original text. However, the experiment was based on ignorance of the affordances of the OU Wiki. In fact I thought this the only way to test them. To see failure in its full glory, connect to the wiki trial:
PS. On the 4th July and in order to get a personal outcome (usable for teaching in October), I edited the Wiki page to add an alternative format - for my own learning ONLY. I've also attached Word file for table version.
I'm leaving the text below as it was (bar correcting any typos / spelling errors found) out of interest for me. I might even reflect on all this in EMA.
A WIKI Exercise.
Learning Outcomes:
The learner will:
Demonstrate the ability to choose or write a number of
statements that predict features of the role of a teacher in 2030.
Express a measure of their confidence in that statement.
Justify in one brief sentence their level of expressed
Elaborate on the statements in one brief sentences.
Collaboratively work to a choice of the 5 statements in
which the group as a whole have most confidence.
Evaluate the learning, if any, involved in this exercise.
Suggest changes to improve the exercise or create an
alternative exercise.
The Task
Stage 1
Learners have been instructed to establish a group view of
what the teacher's role will predominantly involve in 15 years.
They will produce facilitate a wiki to collect statements
that express statements about the key features of a teacher's role in 2030,
together with an expression of their confidence about their prediction, an
explanation of that confidence and any additional elaboration of the points.
In order to facilitate brief expression, the statements must
be able to be written (such that they can be read) on a template that restricts
the space for expression.
Some statements will be provided in a 'Model Doc'. The 'Model
Doc' will also contain a template for new contributions of statements
originating from the learner or their reading. The completed template can be
copied into the 'Data Collection Wiki'. See 'Model Doc' (attached).
This task will be available for one week only before Stage
Stage 2
If possible from the data achieved in the Data Collection
Wiki the 5 statements in which the mean confidence of the group is highest (where
H = 99, M = 66 & L = 33) will be selected into one master document (perhaps
another wiki OR a Word document).
If selection is not automatically possible the team will
participate to agree a mode of selection of the 5 statements representing the group's
most confident predictions.
Below is the original text. However, the experiment was based on ignorance of the affordances of the OU Wiki. In fact I thought this the only way to test them. To see failure in its full glory, connect to the wiki trial:
PS. On the 4th July and in order to get a personal outcome (usable for teaching in October), I edited the Wiki page to add an alternative format - for my own learning ONLY. I've also attached Word file for table version.
I'm leaving the text below as it was (bar correcting any typos / spelling errors found) out of interest for me. I might even reflect on all this in EMA.
A WIKI Exercise.
Learning Outcomes:
The learner will:
Demonstrate the ability to choose or write a number of statements that predict features of the role of a teacher in 2030.
Express a measure of their confidence in that statement.
Justify in one brief sentence their level of expressed confidence.
Elaborate on the statements in one brief sentences.
Collaboratively work to a choice of the 5 statements in which the group as a whole have most confidence.
Evaluate the learning, if any, involved in this exercise.
Suggest changes to improve the exercise or create an alternative exercise.
The Task
Stage 1
Learners have been instructed to establish a group view of what the teacher's role will predominantly involve in 15 years.
They will produce facilitate a wiki to collect statements that express statements about the key features of a teacher's role in 2030, together with an expression of their confidence about their prediction, an explanation of that confidence and any additional elaboration of the points.
In order to facilitate brief expression, the statements must be able to be written (such that they can be read) on a template that restricts the space for expression.
Some statements will be provided in a 'Model Doc'. The 'Model Doc' will also contain a template for new contributions of statements originating from the learner or their reading. The completed template can be copied into the 'Data Collection Wiki'. See 'Model Doc' (attached).
This task will be available for one week only before Stage 2.
Stage 2
If possible from the data achieved in the Data Collection Wiki the 5 statements in which the mean confidence of the group is highest (where H = 99, M = 66 & L = 33) will be selected into one master document (perhaps another wiki OR a Word document).
If selection is not automatically possible the team will participate to agree a mode of selection of the 5 statements representing the group's most confident predictions.