
We’d love to hear what you think about the app, and how you’d like us to improve it.

Feedback for the development team

To give your feedback directly to us, you can use the Feedback option within the app. To do this:

  1. Open the More menu, by tapping the  icon, at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select the Feedback option.

  3. Enter your feedback and select Send feedback.

Note, whilst all feedback submitted is reviewed by the team, we’re not able to reply to your feedback directly.

Rate the app

You can leave a review and rate the app in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

When you leave a review, this can help inform other students how useful you find the app. It will also help inform how we continue to develop the app. Again, whilst we may not reply to your feedback directly, we do keep track of reviews and appreciate your continued support.

Urgent queries

If you have an urgent query that relates to a technical issue, contact the OU Computing Helpdesk (you have the option of web chat, email, or telephone). 

For queries about module content, contact your tutor.

 Previous : Availability of modules and activities
Availability of modules and activities