
We want as many OU students as possible to be able to use the Study app.

Ways to customise your experience

You may want to change your device display settings to suit your preferences. From your mobile device Settings >Accessibility menu, you can change your display.

  • Adjust the Display and or Text Size.

  • To temporarily zoom or magnify your screen, use Zoom or Magnification.

  • To adjust contrast or colours, use Increase or High-contrast, dark theme, or Invert colour.

  • If you want content spoken, use Spoken Selection to choose whether to hear highlighted content.

iOS accessibility settings

Information about accessibility features for devices using the iOS or iPadOS operating systems is available from Apple:

Android accessibility settings

Information about accessibility features for devices using the Android operating system is available from Google: Android accessibility help.

Accessibility statement

Our accessibility statements describe how the app works with assistive technologies:

See also the Accessibility guidance in the Computing Guide for more guidance on How to apply accessibility settings.