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Well B & Q was visited and much paint was bought, which bodes ill for the future. Some weekend soon is going to be completely buggered up with non-congenial work.

I did make time to sit down and draw up a specification for my text editor; said spec. is beyond basic but will, more than, do me for now:

  1. Create a GUI
  2. Be able to open, edit and save files

As I said: basic.

However not so easy. I've spent the last couple of hours reading the documentation, what I'm about to attempt is going to be something of a challenge.

Part of my problem is that I re-cycled my M257 unit texts [ie put them in the bin] so I don't have any hard-copy boilerplate to refer to. [Online is OK but I still prefer hard-copy.] And of course all the stuff that I created during M257 is who-knows-where.

Another issue is that Javax.swing isn't thread safe. Apparently. I'm vaguely aware of what that means—not good. So I'm going to have to be careful if I intend to use this as a base for something more powerful.

The final issue is how to chop up the code: one monolithic block? Or something a wee-bitty more flexible that will probably fall apart?

I've decided that the Input/Output [file-diddling] stuff doeshave to be hived off, but I'll try to keep the rest of the beast inside a single class. [I'll try to use inner classes just in case.]

So tomorrow we, my good wife and I, go to Asda where, amongst other purchases, I'll buy a large bottle of ertzatz red bull and get coding when I get home. Which might mean that I'll avoid, "we could do the painting this weekend..."

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 3 Nov 2011, 18:11)
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