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Robert Farrow

Legal definitions of disability

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From Seale (2006), p.12

The move from ICDH to ICF has not necessarily been reflected in discrimination legislation across the world. For example, Lindsay (2004) argues that [page 13] Australian law has yet to respond to the challenges posed by the new international approaches to participation and inclusion, such as the WHO International Classification of Functioning. An inspection of the way in which five international disability discrimination laws define disability reveals certain similarities (see Table 2.1). For example, in both the UK and American Disability Discrimination Acts, disability is defined as either a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial effect on a person’s ability to carry out their day-to-day activities. There are problems with the legal definitions of disability however, in that they have been argued to be overly medically oriented and not entirely inclusive.

Table 2.1 International legal definitions of disability

LegislationDefinitions of disability
UK Disability Discrimination Act (HMSO 1995) A physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse affect on (a person’s) ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
UK Special Educational Needs Discrimination Act (HMSO 2001) A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Section 504 of the 1973 Workforce Rehabilitation Act (US Department of Labour 1973a) A physical or mental impairment that constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment; or substantially limits one or more major life activities.
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 (US Department of justice 1990)

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities or:

  • holding a record of a physical or mental impairment
  • being regarded (by other employees or employer) as having a physical or mental disability.
Australian Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Australian Government Attorney-General Department 1992)

Disability, in relation to a person, means:

  • total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or
  • total or partial loss of a part of the body; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or
  • the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or
  • the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or
  • a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or
  • a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgement or that results in disturbed behaviour.

Update note

The UK definition of disability has been reworded slightly and now refers to a person rather than a disability. It now reads ‘The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’ (DirectGov, 2010).


DirectGov (2010) Definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act [online], http://www.direct.gov.uk/ en/ disabledpeople/ rightsandobligations/ disabilityrights/ dg_4001069 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (accessed 6 May 2010).

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Robert Farrow

World Health Organisation - Definitions of Disability

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Influenced by the social model, the World Health Organization (WHO) began to re-develop its classification (initially called ICDH-2, but now called ICF) in the late 1990s. This new classification facilitates a merge between the medical and social model and attempts to include environmental factors. Disability is now seen as:

an interaction between health conditions and contextual factors where both health and contextual factors may have an influence on the activities a disabled person can perform or the extent to which they can participate in the social world around them (and vice versa).

(WHO 2001)

Disability is therefore understood as the extent to which performance of activities are limited and:

  • activity is defined as everything that a person does;
  • participation is defined as the interaction of impairments, disabilities and contextual factors and comprises all aspects of human life;
  • contextual factors are defined as the complete background to a person’s life and living, including external environmental factors and internal personal factors.

The WHO argue that their new classification now operates a universal rather than a minority model of disability where everyone may have disability; disability is seen as a continuum rather than dichotomous and is understood as multi-dimensional. This universal model is based on the value of inclusion and rejects the view that disability is a defining feature of a separate minority group of people.

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Robert Farrow

HESA Statistics on Disability

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Edited by Robert Farrow, Monday, 27 Sep 2010, 12:53

"Comparable figures for 2008/9 show over 7 per cent (55,245) of UK undergraduates assessed themselves as having a disability. Looking at the breakdown of specific impairments within this group of disabled undergraduates, in 2008/9 dyslexia was the most commonly declared disability (45 per cent), with unseen disabilities (e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, asthma) coming next at 15 per cent. Students who were deaf or had a hearing impairment accounted for 5 per cent, and 10 per cent had multiple disabilities. In 2000/01, 4 per cent declared a mental health disability, which rose to over 6 per cent in 2008/09 (HESA, 2010).

Again these figures should be treated with caution. They may reflect an increase in students’ willingness to disclose a disability, changes in the figures in the general population, changes in support for children in the school system or some other factors. While it is good news that the percentage of deaf students has decreased, that will be of little comfort to an individual deaf student who has to ask yet again for key video material to be subtitled.

If you are working in a country where figures are hard to find or have not been collected, you might consider what other levers there might be for improving or introducing support for disabled students."

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) (2010) Students and Qualifiers Data Tables [online], http://www.hesa.ac.uk/ index.php?option=com_datatables&Itemid=121&task=show_category&catdex=3#disab (accessed 6 May 2010).

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Robert Farrow

Language Issues

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Everyone's probably struggled with finding the right language to describe disability at some point: here's the advice from the H810 module entitled 'Talking About Disability and Accessibility'.

[T]he language regarding disabilities must be carefully chosen. We have used the term ‘disabled people’ (or students) rather than, for example, ‘people with disabilities’, as it very much changes the emphasis of ownership or cause of the disability. The term ‘people with disabilities’ implies that the person’s impairment or condition causes them to be ‘disabled’ (and consequently that it is their responsibility to overcome it), whereas ‘disabled person’ implies that the person is disabled not necessarily by their condition or impairment, but by society and its inability or reluctance to cater effectively for that person (and consequently that society must effect change to remove that disability).

Following this logically it is acceptable to refer to a ‘person with an impairment’ because the ownership lies with the person (a deaf person is unable to hear, that is their impairment, whereas the fact that they experience barriers to functioning normally within society is a societal problem and hence they become disabled by those barriers, not by their impairment directly).

I can fully appreciate the pragmatic point here:  to really engage with disability in a meaningful way we need to understand that dealing with disability is something that can only be done at a social level.  But at the same time, there is something uncomfortably authoritarian about the imperative 'society must change'.  Furthermore, I'm not entirely sure that the individual vs society paradigms even make sense in the context of something like accommodating disability.  What is meant, for example, by 'outside society'?  Maybe what is intended here is some kind of private/public distinction.  But presumably we are always 'within' society, and at the very least we are always the result of socialisation.

I would prefer to refer to these issues of disability and identity as intersubjective.  But if we do that, then we seem to give up on the public/private (or individual/social) distinction that made the H810 language policy possible in the first place.

Then again, this seems to be largely a matter of accepted etiquette rather than the accurate portrayal of reality in language:  terms which were once seen as progressive (e.g. 'coloured people') often end up being seen as anachronistic and offensive.  This seems to beg a further question about the relationship between changing language use and the relationship to disability.



APA Guidelines for Reporting & Writing About Disabled Students

Suggested Terminology Comunicating with Disabled Students

Phipps, L., Sutherland, A. and Seale, J. (eds) (2002) Access All Areas: Disability, Technology and Learning TechDis/Association for Learning Technology

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Robert Farrow

Getting 'started'...

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Edited by Robert Farrow, Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010, 11:34

My first impressions of the OU StudentHome are that it's not so easy to use.  Because I took a while to write a blog post I got automatically logged out and so lost my work...

This was so infuriating that I couldn't be bothered to write it again (it was mainly links to useful-looking stuff).  I didn't log in again for over a week!  There were three factors that contributed to this:  frustration over losing work; the fact that I can't use my staff login to access my studying which is irksome and means having to remember another (spectacularly unmemorable) username/password; and having plans over the whole weekend.

It's probably fair to call the first two issues of usability.  If, as an able-bodied and computer literate user I am experiencing problems like these and they are enough to dissuade me from returning to these studies, disabled users must perceive there to be even greater barriers to the success of their studies.

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