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Jim McCrory

Slipping Into the Voice of the Child

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Sunday, 13 Oct 2024, 19:22

Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@bookblock

The one who is gracious to the poor lends to[ the Lord,

and the Lord  will repay him for his good deed.

 Proverbs 19:7 (New English Bible).


My wife asked me what was my happiest childhood memory?

It was the day my two friends came and asked if I was coming with them. It was a spring morning, and we took the ferry across to Kelvin to visit the museum.

We were there for several hours and on our return, we rubbed our tummies with hunger. A man said, ‘Here’s a half-crown, buy yourselves ice-cream.’

We jumped up and down singing ‘Chips, chips, chips!’ Then… we stopped…went silent. The man told us to buy ice-cream.

But he just smiled, and we jumped up and down again singing ‘Chips, chips, chips!’

And I would have to say, that was my happiest childhood memory; the day the kind man smiled and thought it was okay to buy chips.


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