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Pam Lissos Crete

Portmanteau anything

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Just been cycling with Mr Pam and he asked me what I understood by the term 'a portmanteau word'. 

I said, well 'manteau' is French for 'overcoat' and I understood a portmanteau to be one of those fairly large leather bags with handles probably carried by people like M. R. James, Sherlock Holmes & Allan Quatermain on steamy railway stations. The bulk of your luggage would be trunks and suchlike to be dealt with by porters, but you keep your portmanteau with you on the train.

A kind of overnight bag. A bag that can carry a range of items that you might need on the journey.

So a portmanteau word has come to mean a term that covers a range of meanings.

'So,' said Mr Pam, 'capitalism is a portmanteau term, but neo-liberal is not?'

I'll check the dictionary meaning later.

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Pam Lissos Crete

Not quite daily haiku

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Edited by Pamela Butler, Sunday, 18 Oct 2015, 12:30

A few points of light

in the dark. Cold has lifted,

a new day coming.

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Pam Lissos Crete

Head clear enough for a haiku

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Sore head, full of cold,

Trapped I gaze out at this lovely

Indian summer

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Pam Lissos Crete

My first walk

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Edited by Pamela Butler, Tuesday, 13 Oct 2015, 08:33

Row of trees on open moorland, blue sky with clouds

October gold and

misty blue my first walk you

and I together

It's 7 weeks since I broke my pelvis. I had made up my mind to go for a walk today come what may, so that I can report back to the physio when I see her this week. It is the most gloriously beautiful day. I told Jacob he should go for a bike ride or join Daisy and go on a long walk but he said, 'No, I'll walk with you'.

We walked down our lane, up the whole of Hopton Incline on the High Peak Trail and over Middleton Moor. 

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image/jpegGoose feather.jpg
Pam Lissos Crete

Daily Haiku: Geese again

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Edited by Pamela Butler, Wednesday, 30 Sept 2015, 17:27

White goose feather on green grass

moored in one green world

do you long for water and sky,

white sail messengers?

Sam's geese, on being released from their shed each morning, rush across the field, wings spread wide celebrating their freedom.

In some shamanic traditions water fowl, which dive in water as well as fly in the air, are seen as spirit animals, messengers between the worlds. 

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Pam Lissos Crete

Daily Haiku

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Morning mist, soft green

sharp and bright three white geese

emphatic new day

Can I recommend http://www.kenjoneszen.com/haiku, for a lovely poetic and accessible introduction to haiku and haibun (haiku + prose) writing.

Here's one by Buson (1716-1784)

morning misted street…

with white inks and artists brushes

a dream of people

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Pam Lissos Crete

Daily Haiku

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morning, guests depart

a bulging linen basket.

Oh, my quiet house.

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Pam Lissos Crete

I nuovi libri sono arrivati!

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Sono molta eccitata vedere i nuovi materiali. Ed anche un po'ansiosa. Penso dementico molto. Comunque, sono contatta una donna Italiana che abita qui vicino chiedere si può parlare italiano insieme. È simpatissimo e spero rivedersi a presto.
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Pam Lissos Crete

Unit 9 - Mia ricetta - Arrosto di agnello al ginepro

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Edited by Pamela Butler, Sunday, 3 July 2011, 16:56
Piacciamo molto le ricette di Marcella Hazan in suo libro 'The Classic Italian Cookbook'. Questa ricetta cuciniamo spesso per amici e familglia.

Arrosto di agnello al ginepro
Ci vuolo 1 kg d'agnello, coscio o la spalla.
Taglia una carote, cipolle, uno o due rametti di sedano e 2 spicchi d'aglio. Ci vogliono un rametto di rosmarino e 2 cucchiaini bacce di ginepro, sale, pepe e finalemente 250ml vino bianco secco.

Simplamente li mette tutti in una casseruola grande e pesante, uno 'Le Crueset' ad espemio. Mette lo coperchio e lasci bollire lentamente almeno tre e mezz'ore.

Molto, molto simplissime e l'aroma e meravigliosa. Servire 4 o 6.
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Pam Lissos Crete

Il mio viaggio a lavoro

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Sono ufficia. Abito a Middleton e lavoro per il consiglio di Chesterfield e anche per una compagnia privata a Sheffield. Spesso prendo l'autobus a Chesterfield, ma qualche volta prendo la maccina. Qualche volta anche mio marito ha la maccina. Abbiamo solo una maccina da duemila e troviamo molto economico.

Quando lavoro a Sheffield prendo sempre l'autobus perche non è possible di trovarre un parcheggio in centro dal città. Ci mette un ore venti minuti.

Prendo l'autobus nella stazione a Matlock e acquistare il biglietto di autisto. Si paga lo stesso prezzo per andare a Chesterfield o Sheffield. Il biglietto 'Explorer'  può viaggare e ritorno tutto nel nord di Derbyshire e nel sud Yorkshire per £5 per un giorno.

D'estate ando a Chesterfield in mia bici.

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