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Chris Miles

MU123 Thoughts

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Edited by Chris Miles, Thursday, 25 Sep 2014, 17:30

I chose to do MU123 as my maths option for my Comp/IT degree because, despite having done higher level maths at GCSE (12 years ago), I felt that I would struggle with the harder option. Now, I can't say that I know I'm right, since without doing it you'll never truly know, but I did have a fair few difficulties and tense moments going over and over the same ground trying to answer TMA questions throughout MU123, so I'm glad I chose this.

Having said all that, I feel I should immediately clarify that my struggling was no reflection on the quality of materials and teaching in MU123, but on my apparent inherent ability to approach a problem from the wrong angle and get stuck in that way of thinking for quite a while. Once I've firmly grasped the wrong end of the stick, getting me to let go again is a real task!

So, here's my rundown of my lasting thoughts from MU123 Discovering Mathematics.

Materials - the course materials were very good quality and it was nice to have a course that was entirely set out in the printed materials (and dvd) that were sent, rather than having to read on-screen. (Aside, while I understand why the OU is moving more to the online text model and appreciate the benefit to nature of less printing, I will sadly always be one of those people who prefers a physical book. With the OU stuff, to the despair of my wife, I like the fact that I can hold on to the books to look back at in future - yes, I have some hoarding tendencies...)

Units - there is a sense of progression throughout the course, in that you can see how units build on the ones that precede them, to grow your view of maths as you progress. The statistical ones felt a little shallow, but maybe it is a subject that would be difficult to cover more of in an introductory course. I did find myself remember things from my GCSE years and particularly enjoyed the algebra and trigonometry sections of the course.

Just to add a slight proviso - I enjoyed the algebra generally up until any questions in the TMAs, where they somehow always seemed to manage to present a question in a way that had never quite been covered directly in the text (for example, if the text covered clearing fractions by demonstrating with x on top, the TMA question would have x on the bottom). Fiendishly clever of them, I suppose, in that it does mean you have to have taken in the theory, rather than just copying what was done in the book!

TMAs - MU123 uses handwritten TMAs - prepare for cramp! In various discussions, page numbers varied wildly from 10 to nearly 40. I averaged about 18 pages per TMA - generally, I would have had to rewrite a page at least two times, have ended up writing really small on at least one page and be sick of the damn thing by the time I finished.

As mentioned above, the questions could be hard, tricky and downright confusing, but in the end I always managed to find some sort of answer, even if it was nowhere near right. This is an important thing to remember on a maths course - attempt the question whatever - if you make a mistake, but the rest of your working follows on from that 'correctly' you'll still get some marks for showing an understanding of the working.

Overall, I did enjoy this module, which I was a little surprised at. Despite being good enough to do higher level GCSE, I never really saw myself as liking maths that much.

This course was a breath of fresh air when studied alongside TM129. I even ended up doing the MU123 EMA, which was due later, before the TM129 one, because I was putting it off so long, I realised I needed to get one of them done.

Well recommended. If you have to do a maths course and are not sure of your skill level, you should definitely consider this. I chose it by looking at an 'Are you ready for MST121' (I think...) quiz, which gave me heart palpitations...

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Chris Miles

TM129 Thoughts

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Edited by Chris Miles, Thursday, 25 Sep 2014, 17:03

I want to avoid the situation I had with writing one of these about TU100, so will do this now, before I get deep into other things and forgot stuff.

TM129 Technologies in Practice is the next step in the BSc Comp/IT after TU100 (along with a 30 credit maths option) and is an interesting but flawed course, from my perspective.

It is similar to TU100 in terms of broad but shallow, although less broad and a bit deeper, in that there are 3 x  8 week blocks in the course - Linux, Networking and Robotics.

Linux - I enjoyed the Linux element of the course, but it was definitely the easiest of the three. Because I spent a lot of time here working to get ahead on my other course, I completed the TMA for the Linux block without having studied past week 5 to any great degree. Linux seems daunting to newbies (of which I was one), but this is a gentle introduction. In fact, possibly too gentle - I don't feel like I can pretend to have any kind of Linux experience. In the parlance of the ever enthusiastic interviewee, I might say that I've had 'exposure' to Linux.

Networking - Slightly odd - this was the element of the course that I most enjoyed and felt I got the most out of, but that may be only because I have an interest in the area (I occasionally do patching in cabinets for work and also make up new Cat5 cables, so it was nice to read up on the topic). However, you are pretty much left to it in this block - you are provided with the Microsoft Networking Essentials book and told to read it. Then you're presented with a TMA where the majority of the marks are gained through research type questions, rather than checking what knowledge you have picked up through the books. That said, I understand why; the first question does test knowledge, but they also need to put in some stuff for the guys who are less network-inclined than others and need to pick up marks.

Robotics - Sadly, I found this element of the course quite dry and wasn't keen on the RobotLab programming environment - which was half drag and drop, half write, but you have to click on the block you wish to edit, then click into the edit are in the corner of the screen, before you can type in any variable assignments etc. It felt a bit tacked on to me and quite forced - i.e. they wanted to get programming in again, since that's one of the specialisms, so they forced it in through the robotics paradigm. Conversely, I rather enjoyed the TMA, since we were once again set free for research.

EMA - The dreaded EMA, make or break time. The Linux question was interesting but tentatively connected to the course (to say the least), the networking question was alright, but the word limits were quite tight and the task to work out subnetting an IP had a little trick in the question that confused me for a bit. You only had to do two out of three, so I left the Robotics question out. 

Then you move on to your eportfolio - throughout the course you do various activities and write up a portfolio entry for it. There were a lot of complaints about this in the course forum, since some of the tasks were so easy that it was difficult to come up with some narrative about what you had learned. I understand their frustrations, but I did see that it is a useful tool to take with you to higher levels - I'm even thinking about trying to apply it to my work to some extent, for performance appraisal purposes (yuk...) Ultimately, this should be a fairly easy question, just polish your chosen eportfolio activities in line with any tutor comments on it.

Moving swiftly on to the last question. I can't defend this one. I'm always careful to be balanced about the OU - I see an awful lot of moaning around the place and, to be frank, its wearing really thin - but this was the single worst question I have had the misfortune to come across. It was based around employability from the course and plans for the future. For at least one of the questions, I see no way that they can award anyone anything other than full marks, since the content is so personal that it can't be marked down - remember, nobody can tell you that you don't feel something.

Concluding thoughts

TM129 is by no means a terrible course. I enjoyed it the majority of the time, but a few bits weren't quite right. 

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Chris Miles

Thoughts on TU100

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I'll start with a disclaimer - I studied TU100 on the presentation that ended September 2013, so the memories have already faded a little. So this is more of a general impression than an in-depth review. Let's begin...

TU100 My digital life is the entry point for BSc Hons Computing and IT (and Comp/IT and a second subject, possibly others...), so covers a large number of topics to a shallow degree. Overall, I enjoyed the course, but I wasn't sure that I'd learned much in the subject areas, although I realise now that what I did learn was how to OU.

Materials - TU100 did feel a little like a course that they had got halfway towards converting to online only, then shipped the books with the converted aspects missing. I don't believe that is what happened, it was more that some elements of the course are better if they are able to be edited more easily than having to re-print books, but it still felt a little like that. Otherwise, I found the quality of the materials very good, particularly the Sense programming guide, which some brightspark had spiral bound, so it doesn't flip shut when left out on the desk while reading and operating the computer.

Study areas - as I've said, I don't remember much and I'm not sure what I learned, but TU100 didn't feel like a waste of time. It gives you a gentle introduction to various areas, since it is used on a degree which separates into disparate specialisms at Level 2. TU100 needs to give each person, no matter which branch they are going into, something on which they can build. So, a tour of programming, networking, hardware, developments in computing and IT and the more philosophical side of whether the web is, ultimately, a force for good or bad in the world. I know some people who already work in the field found TU100 a little dull, but it's not overly arduous and well worth a go.

Student communication - I get the distinct impression, from TU100 and courses I have done since, that the IT courses can be a little divisive in the course forums. I don't mean that in an arguing or bullying way, just that you do end up with two streams, those who already know and are going off on tangents to keep their interest up and those who don't, may be struggling a little with some areas and may feel intimidated to ask questions. I fell somewhere between these two camps, which was a strange place to be. Not the courses fault really, but just something that it is worth being aware of.

Value for money - TU100 is quite a large, enjoyable course. A good entry point to IT studies

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