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Me and a badger.

A short break

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Edited by Roger Green, Friday, 5 June 2015, 09:17

Well, I sat the ED209 exam yesterday. I felt it went ok and I knew the materials quite well. I spent much more time preparing for this exam than I ever have in the past and I think it has paid off. I found my hand wasn't as achy by the end as it has been for previous exams and I think I managed to stay a bit calmer. Also as ED209 has a "seen question" (ie you know one of the questions in advance of the exam) then I really had the first hour planned out - I must have written that essay 10 times over the past few weeks! The results are out in mid July. Realistically I doubt I will have done well enough to get a distinction, but I'm fairly confident of a pass.

My next course is the final one on my route to a degree in psychology and will be DD307 - Social Psychology. I am still in with a slim chance of a first on my degree if I get a distinction in this final module, A pretty big "if"....

Last year I studied DD303 (Cognitive Psychology) throughout the summer. It was beautiful summer and all I saw of it was text books. So this year I have structured the courses so that I now have a break until September. The first break I have allowed myself so far. I am so looking forward to reading books (that aren't about psychology), hill-walking - and breathing!

Thanks to the people that posted on my previous blog entry. It is appreciated. I had always assumed my blog sat here largely untouched, and I write it as part diary and part cathartic exercise. It's good to know people stumble across it from time to time.

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