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Open University e-petition (again)

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This e-petition seems to have got stuck at about 46,000 signatures.  We need 100,000 for it to reach the official threshold.

If you are reading this, you are probably an OU student.  If you are an OU student, you probably do not want OU fees to rise or the breadth and depth of the curriculum to be impoverished.  If you are resident in the United Kingdom and have not signed the petition, please do so. 

To any-one outside the OU, I would say that the Open University is a major asset in re-skilling the UK workforce: cutting it, even in time of recession, is counter-productive. 

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Please sign the e-petition

Visible to anyone in the world

The OU has started an e-petition in order to get parliamentary time to debate proposed cuts in funding.  This is the best chance we have got to stop the cuts.

The Petition: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/22316

I have written a short article for anybody who needs convincing.



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