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The Companion: Part 57

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The trial is about to start.  The hearing is in front of two judges: Professor Gonzales and Doctor Lansakaranayake.  Mr Greenwood appears for the prosecution.  I appear for the defence.  The accused is Kelvin Stark.  We have agreed that our side will not attach any titles to him. 

            A recent but very surprising development is that this trial is being heard before a jury.  Look at them: six members of the crew of Greenwood’s ship, and six colonists.  The crew members were picked by me, and the colonists were picked by Greenwood.  He rejected dozens, including anybody who had served in Kelvin’s army, and anybody who had been wounded or suffered a bereavement at the hands of the invaders.  The crew members are all in uniform.  The others are in what I would call “colonial casual”: handmade leather shoes with visible seams, trousers covered in multi-coloured patches, hand-knitted jumpers.  I have made Kelvin swear solemnly that at no time during these proceedings will he turn up in his military uniform.  Once I had got his agreement on that, I started to feel a bit more relaxed about our prospects. 

            Here comes Kelvin, wearing a kind of Graham Greene-style linen suit, narrow bronze-coloured tie and brown shoes (polished by Chandra, as usual).  His choice of clothes is rather unseasonable: it has been raining solidly for two days here.  There is a slight smell emanating from the colonists’ waxed coats which hang at the back of the hall.  Kelvin is escorted into the dock by one of the ushers, who is an employee of the local council, and a colonist.  The courtroom has an improvised feel about it, which is not surprising in this town which does not have a name yet.  The public gallery is a set of wooden benches on a rostrum, covered in cushions that people have brought themselves.  It is packed.  The dock, the empty witness box, the jury and the judges’ bench are divided from the rest of the room by panelled and varnished wooden partitions.  Greenwood is wearing a pin-striped suit, and the judges both wear black, academic gowns.  Before the trail, I had thought for one awful moment that Greenwood would insist on wig and gown for counsel, but we have been spared that. 

            Now we stand.  Has Kelvin remembered to stand?  Yes, he has.  There is some uncertain shuffling among the audience.  The judges seat themselves, and so does every-one else.  This court is now in session.  Greenwood stands again, and begins his opening speech.  After a few minutes, I must admit that I am slightly disappointed.  It is a bit predictable and tedious compared to what I was expecting from him.  At last, he is about to call his first witness, Samantha Dale.  I remember her from when I had to prosecute Pamela Collins and Prudence Tadlow during the voyage.  I lost that case.  Miss Dale is now taking the oath, on the Bible.  Here comes Greenwood’s first question.

            ‘Miss Dale, is it true that, during the conflict which happened here about two years ago, you were captured by a group of armed men?’

            ‘Yes, and repeatedly raped, and threatened, and locked up.’

            ‘Yes, indeed.  I am sure we all feel a sense of repugnance at the way you were treated.  I commend you for your courage in coming through that ordeal.  Now, at any time while you were being held by these men, were you taken from your home on the island known as I-13 and put on board a boat?’



            ‘It was a huge great ship, not a boat.’

            ‘Indeed.  A ship.  Can you tell me what happened to end your time on that ship?’

            ‘The fucker sank.’

            ‘Er.  Just so.  Please remember that you are in a courtroom, Miss Dale.  Has anybody ever told you how the ship came to sink?’

            ‘No.  Nobody ever bothers to tell me anything.’

            ‘Well I can tell you now, without fear of contradiction, that the ship was sunk deliberately, under the order of Kelvin Stark.’

            ‘King Kelvin, you mean?’

            ‘I’m sorry?’

            ‘You talk about him as if he was just some bloke: Kelvin Stark: it makes him sound like a teacher or an estate agent, but he’s the king.  He is King Kelvin the First.’

            ‘Er, indeed.  Could you answer the question, please, Miss Dale?’

            ‘What question?’

            ‘How do you feel about the fact that you were subjected to shipwreck and possible drowning under the orders of – er – King Kelvin?’

            ‘I am fine with it.’

            ‘You are fine with it?’

            ‘That’s what I just said.’

            ‘But your life was put at risk.  Many of your fellow passengers drowned.’

            ‘We were prisoners, not passengers.’

            ‘Many of your fellow prisoners were drowned.’

            ‘And raped, and beaten to death in front of their loved ones, raped again after they were dead, and then the loved ones shot.’

            ‘Miss Dale, do you accept that you were at severe risk of drowning when Kelvin Stark issued the order for the bow doors of your ship to be opened in order to make it sink?  Yes or No?’

            ‘Yes, but I’d…’

            ‘Thank you, Miss Dale.  You are dismissed.’

            ‘But I…’

            Judge Gonzales intervenes.  Samantha Dale leaves the witness box.  Jessica Springer is called.  She also swears on the Bible, though what she is saying is so quiet that only the clerk and the judges can hear her.  Greenwood looks concerned, and somewhat abashed.

            ‘Miss Springer, how would you feel about the news – which is not in dispute – that you were subjected to drowning at the order of Kelvin Stark?’

            ‘I think he’s a bastard.  A total bastard.’

            ‘I see.  Why do you say that, Miss Springer?’

            ‘He should have killed us all.  We don’t want to live.  We were defiled.  We were polluted and tainted with their filth.  We can never, ever be clean.  We want to die, die, die.  It is the only way we will ever find relief.  We were their playthings.  The dignity of human beings, callously and ingeniously abused for mere sport and entertainment.  I would have killed myself by now, but I can’t think of a method of suicide that would make me dead enough to forget what they did.  Are there degrees of deadness?  What is the worst?  Burning?  Acid?  Explosives?  What?’

            ‘Er, your Lordships, I suggest that this witness should be, er…’

            Some-one appears to escort Miss Springer from the witness box.  I can’t see who it is at first.  She turns round.  Oh, it’s Violet.  Jessica seems remarkably docile in her company.  Violet steers her towards the back of the room and waits with her until a medical orderly arrives.  I wonder who is looking after Ed while this is going on.  After a suitable interval, Greenwood continues.

            ‘Your Honours, I call, er, the witness known as Moon-Flower.’ He pronounces the name as two separate words.  Moon.  Flower. 

            Moonflower appears in court much as she had done at the Assembly two years before.  She is still barefoot.  She had an intricate array of patterns painted with henna on her hands and arms.  She spends a great deal of time outdoors, so I  am told,  and the dye complements the tones of her tanned skin very well.  She floats airily across the floor, her voile billowing behind her, into the witness box.

The usher picks up the Bible but falters after just one step towards her.  There is something about Moonflower’s appearance which suggests strongly that she is not an adherent of any orthodox religious faith.  A hurried conversation begins between the judges, Greenwood, the clerk and the  ushers.  One of the ushers begins rummaging in a small bookcase in the corner of the room.  It has various books in it which were selected before the proceedings to represent as much of the canon of human belief as could conveniently be fitted into a small space.  It looks like something from a hospital waiting room.  The usher returns with a faintly hopeful expression on his face.  In his hand he holds a rather battered paperback which turns out to be a copy of the I-Ching.  He offers it to Moonflower.

            ‘What’s this?’ she asks.  She sounds as if she is enquiring about a dish in a Mongolian restaurant.

            ‘You have to swear an oath to tell the truth.’

            ‘I know that, but why are you giving me this book?’

            ‘It is customary to swear the oath on a book.’

            ‘What is that?’

            ‘It’s the I-Ching.’

            ‘What’s that?  I think I may have heard of it somewhere.’  Judge Gonzales interrupts.

            ‘Miss Moonflower – ’

            ‘My name is just Moonflower, Judge.’

            ‘Sorry.  Moonflower, are you telling me that you have never read the book that the usher has just now offered to you?’

            ‘That’s right.  I don’t read all that much, to be honest.’

            ‘Is there a book upon which you are prepared to swear the oath?’

            ‘What sort of book does it have to be?’

            ‘It has to be one the contents of which you are broadly familiar with, in the truth of which you have a strong conviction, and whose principles you believe should be upheld, to the point where you honestly believe that you regard it as a source of guidance in your own life,’ intones Judge Gonzales.  Moonflower’s face lights up with delight.

            ‘Let’s use this!’ She takes something from an emerald-green, bejewelled silk handbag.

            ‘What is that?  Please show it to me,’ asks Gonzales.

            By squinting hard, I can just about catch the title of the book.  I gather that Kelvin does as well.  Kelvin takes out his handkerchief and pretends to blow his nose.  Out of the corner of my eye, I think I can see him stuff the handkerchief into his mouth.   Greenwood looks up and seems to wonder if Heaven can still look down upon him in this accursed place.  Another hasty conversation takes place, and then Moonflower solemnly swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth on a copy of Catcher In The Rye by J. D. Salinger.

            ‘You spoke at an assembly some months ago, I believe.’

            ‘Yes, that’s right.’

            ‘What was the subject on which you spoke?’

            ‘We were trying to decide what to do about the people who had invaded our planet.’

            ‘And what was your contribution to that discussion?’

            ‘I was saying how I thought that we ought to be able to reach a compromise with them.’

            ‘I see.  And what happened?’

            ‘People disagreed with me.’  Moonflower smiles.  ‘Well, you wouldn’t expect to agree, would you?’

            ‘What do you mean?’

            ‘Well, it was just silly.  I must have been out of my mind to have thought that.’  Greenwood has a tell.  Every time something happens that he doesn’t like, he grips the tabletop on his right side.  He has a tendency to roll his eyes as well, but he can control that.  The table-gripping thing he doesn’t attempt to control.  

            ‘But you did give a speech in which you said that your side should enter into dialogue with the people who had recently landed.’

            ‘Yes, but I now realise how impossible that would have been.  How can you have a dialogue with some-one who begins by firing a missile into a crowded building?  You might as well talk to a rabid dog.’  Greenwood grips the table and seems defeated.

            ‘No further questions, your Honours.’ 

            Now he is asking for a recess.  So far, this is going better than I expected.  

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Saturday, 10 Sept 2011, 23:35)
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The Companion: Part 41: WARNING - GRAPHIC VIOLENCE

Visible to anyone in the world


I’m crying in the toilet cubicle.  I’m not making a noise, but tears are streaming down my face.  I put a bit of make-up on this morning, which I have had to take off, to avoid having panda-eyes when I go into the cabinet-meeting.  I have just seen something that I wish I had not.

            Some months ago, I was on a business trip to I-2, and I released Rosalind.  I was too busy to look after her, and I thought it was time she was given the chance to reproduce.  We already have plenty of rabbits on I-11, and I thought the climate on I-2 would suit her better.  I did something which I now think was very stupid.  I wirelessly programmed the sensory transducers that I had implanted in her so that they would only register in my internal eyes and ears if the signal was above a certain intensity – if she was in big trouble, in other words.

            When the data stream from Rosalind’s eyes cuts in, it is bewildering at first.  She has all-round vision, from the sky almost to the ground underneath her.  Her vision of colour is poor, but she can tell the difference between blue and green.  She had been lifted off the floor by a man wearing a black uniform (evidently a member of one of the invader’s foot patrols, from the garrison left on I-2).  One of her back legs had been caught in a snare.  I could hear his breathing.  That was the only sound I could hear.  Rosalind herself was silent.  The last thing I saw before the signal cut out was the invader’s wrists and hands, which were briefly rendered visible as Rosalind’s eyes popped out of their orbits.  He had squeezed her to death.

            I have a digital image of his face.  When I find him, I am going to do the same to him, only it will last longer, and before his eyeballs pop out, other parts of his body will already have done so. 

            I must think about the war.  I must stop crying and think about the war.  I must stop crying and think about how to prevent this from happening to other animals, or to more people. 

            I think I am just about to make the same mistake again.  I have just realised that the main vessel in the enemy convoy is one of the ships that was originally part of The Irish Rover, which was liberally sprinkled with my surveillance devices.  The signal should be easy to pick up, because I had them all connected to the ship’s own network, to boost the signals.  I have looked at the array, and I can see one set of mikes from the ship in question which is showing some amplitude.  The cams in the same room are not showing anything, indicating either a malfunction or (more probably) that the cabin is in darkness.  This is what I can hear.

            ‘Jessica.  Jessica.  Are you awake?  Jessica?’


            ‘Are you awake?’

            ‘I don’t know.  Are they coming back?’

            ‘No, they have left us alone.’

            ‘When are they coming back?’

            ‘I don’t know.  Try not to think about it.’

            ‘Are they going to kill us?’

            ‘I don’t know, but we aren’t dead yet.’

            ‘I wish I was dead.’

            ‘Jessica, you’ve got to be strong.  We are going to get through this.’

            ‘Get into the real world, Sam.  We’re prisoners, and when they have finished raping us, they are going to shoot us or chuck us over the side.  Oh, god – I feel seasick again.  We haven’t even got a bucket to throw up in.  I can’t take any more of this.’

            ‘Jess, don’t cry.  Don’t cry.  Come here, babe.’

            ‘What’s going to happen to us?  What are they going to do to us?’

            ‘I don’t know, Jess.  Probably more of the same, but we are still alive.  We are going to get through this.’

            ‘No, we’re not.’

            ‘Yes, we are.  We are.  I know we are.’

            ‘You’re a fool.  You don’t know what you are talking about.’

            ‘I may be a fool, but I do know that we are going to get through this, somehow.’

            ‘What do you think about when they are doing it to you?’

            ‘I don’t want to talk about that.’

            ‘Tell me.’


            ‘It might help me.  I just can’t take it at all.  It is worse than torture, worse than death.  I wish they would just kill me instead. You seem to be able to cope with this ordeal.  I don’t know how you do it.’

            ‘I’m a survivor.’

            ‘But what do you think about?’

            ‘I think you remind me of Mr Richardson.’

            ‘Who the hell is Mr Richardson?’

            ‘He was a really dweebie, pathetic saddo teacher at my school who wore a tank top and a bow tie and had really bad BO and got done for forcing himself on the first year girls in the audio-visual stockroom.’  

            ‘Yes, there was a teacher like that at my school, but I never heard he did anything like that.’

            ‘I bet he did.’

            ‘Where’s Cheryl?’

            ‘She’s in the corner.  Don’t touch her.

            ‘Why not?  Is she all right?’

            ‘Leave her alone.’

            ‘Why?  What’s wrong with her.’

            ‘They killed her.’

            ‘Let me just see if she’s – eeeuuuurrrgggghhhh! What’s she covered in?’

            ‘I told you not to touch her.’

            ‘She’s got something sticky all over her hair.’

            ‘It’s blood.’

            ‘Whose blood?’


            ‘What did they do to her?’

            ‘That psycho bloke said that she was racially inferior, because she was thick, and so they raped her, and then he told them to kill her.  They did it by holding her upside down, and slamming her face into the floor again and again, until she died.  They did it in front of her husband.  When she was dead, they covered her head with a sack, and carried on raping her in front of him.  And then they shot him.’


            ‘Because they’re mad.’

            ‘I think I’m going mad.’

            ‘We are going to get through this, Jess.  We are.’  I stopped listening at that point, but I redirected the feed to the archive.

            I composed myself, and decided to join the meeting without receiving the summons from Kelvin, and went into the cabinet room.  I still have not got used to him in uniform.  He looks like he has stepped out of a black and white film: beret with badge, khaki shirt, khaki tie, battledress, khaki trousers, gaiters, boots.  Lance Naik Chandra polishes his boots for him, and you can literally see your face in them (though you would have to get down on your knees to do this if he was wearing them).   I asked Kelvin recently if he expects me to wear a uniform, which, as soon as I had uttered the words, sounded like a strange question.  The word “uniform” in our house has not usually meant a military uniform.  Kelvin said that my role was concerned with deception and concealment, and so I could wear whatever I thought was appropriate.  I have just carried on wearing my normal clothes.  Recently, I seem to be affecting a 1940s style in hair and dress.  Maybe next I will learn to do the jitterbug.

            The other people around the cabinet table were Captain McCann, James Holt, Professor Gonzales, Kerr McLean, Prude,  and Doctor Condon-Douglas.  Also in the room was a side-table with a computer workstation on it.  I knew I would be needing this. 

            Kelvin assumed that everybody knew who I was and did not seem surprised to see me nor annoyed that I had barged into his meeting.  He did not introduce me: he just let me get straight on with my report.

            ‘I’m sorry to interrupt, but there is something that I need to tell you about straight away.  I  believe that the enemy has been for some time preparing and loading a convoy of vessels in a port on I-13.  They set sail several hours ago.  I don’t know where they intend to go, but I am told that I-3 is the likeliest destination.  Further satellite images will easily confirm or deny this.  They will probably have left another garrison on I-13.

            ‘If you will permit me to log on via this workstation, I will use the monitor to display what the satellites are currently tracking.’ 

            I must admit that I felt excited.  I had promised them nothing, apart from an outline I had sketched to Kelvin.  Kelvin knew better than to give anything of what I had told him away to the cabinet before my demonstration. 

            I sat down at the computer, and the government of Achird-gamma stood up and crowded round my back.  Kelvin was standing directly behind me, to get the best view of the screen. 

            ‘What you are now seeing is an image, in real time, of the enemy convoy.  As you can see, it has indeed set sail.’  I opened another window on the screen, and in this one I zoomed out, got the port they had set off from and the convoy in the same image, and measured the distance between them.  ‘They are just over 28 miles from their starting point.  If they continue to stay in convoy, and to go at the speed of the slowest vessel, they will continue to travel at just over 6 miles per hour, and they have to travel 2500 miles, which will take about 17 days. 

            ‘They are already traversing the deep ocean.  I-13 is an oceanic island, which means that the beaches slope down to the ocean floor quite rapidly.  The average depth of the ocean here is very similar to Earth: about 5000 metres.’  I was interrupted. 

            ‘Why are you telling me this?’ asked Kerr McLean.

            ‘I must admit, I was beginning to wonder that as well,’ said Prude.

            ‘The mission I was charged with was to deprive the enemy of as much material as possible by non-military means.  I think I can destroy four of his tanks and one of his helicopters, plus an unknown quantity of other material, at no cost whatsoever.’

            ‘How?’ asked several people, of whom Kerr McLean was the loudest. 

            ‘And when?’ asked Kelvin, trying hard to sound as if he did not know what to expect.

            ‘I considered Major Downing’s mission.  I do not wish to diminish in any way the effort and bravery that he and his men put into that operation, but it struck me that there must be an easier way.

            ‘I looked at what information I had about the ports on I-2 and I-13, and I discovered one important fact which appeared to have been overlooked.  On I-2, the vessel on which the colonists first arrived onshore (the one which had come from  the Irish Rover) had been broken up for scrap.  On I-13, the vessel was still intact.’

            ‘Why is that important?’ asked Timothy Gonzales. 

            ‘That is what I hope to demonstrate.  The convoy contains two kinds of vessel: wooden boats, which are primitive vessels with no computer controls, and the ship which is ex-Irish Rover.  This ship is designed to be capable of sailing unmanned.  In other words, I believe I can hack into its systems and take control of it.’

            I was typing while I was talking.  I brought up the control panel, and told the onboard computer that there were no crew and no passengers.  I also told it that it was stationary, in port.  I intercepted all the streams from the ship’s transducers, and set them to constant values.  By that point, the ship was mine. 

            With some compunction for Jessica, Samantha, and the other prisoners, I then issued the signal to open the ship’s cargo doors, which was duly executed.  The ship, which was heavily loaded, sank within a matter of minutes.  The convoy stopped moving for a while, presumably to pick up survivors.  

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Vee Freir, Sunday, 23 Jan 2011, 21:13)
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The Companion: Part 18

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Monday, 13 Dec 2010, 10:15

            ‘Will the accused please stand?  Pamela Collins, you are hereby charged that on the night of 31 October 2137 you did wilfully break a camera belonging to Cerise Vallance, thereby committing criminal damage.  How do you plead?’

            ‘Not guilty, by reason of provocation.’

            ‘Pamela Collins, you are also hereby charged that on the night of 31 October 2137 you did wilfully assault Cerise Vallance.  How do you plead?’

            ‘Not guilty.’

            ‘Prudence Kathryn Zoë Tadlow, you are hereby charged that on the night of 31 October 2137 you did wilfully assault Samantha Dale and Cerise Vallance.  How do you plead?’

            ‘Not guilty.’

            ‘You may be seated.’

            ‘Your Lordship, I appear for both the accused.  I will argue that my clients only struck the alleged victims once they themselves had been viciously assaulted.  I will also argue in Miss Collins’s case that the breaking of the camera was a legitimate action in order to prevent Cerise Vallance from invading Kelvin Stark’s privacy.  The first witness I would like to call is Samantha Dale.’ 

            Samantha Dale was conducted into the courtroom and sworn in.

            ‘Miss Dale, were you present in the Temperate Zone on the night of 31 October?’

            ‘Do you mean was I at the Hallowe’en party?  Yes I was.’

            ‘Do you remember what happened that night?’

            ‘Lots of things.  I tried to get off with this bloke, but he turned me down.’

            ‘What I meant was do you remember a disturbance that took place?’

            ‘Yes.  Me and some of the girls were there with Cerise Vallance.’

            ‘Would you say you were there with any particular object in mind?’

            ‘I think the object Cerise had in mind was Kelvin Stark’s lunchbox.’

            ‘Indeed.  Would I be correct in saying that Miss Vallance had offered you and your friends some kind of inducement to impress yourselves on Doctor Stark?’

            ‘What’s “an inducement”?’

            ‘In short: money.’

            ‘Do I have to answer that question?’

            ‘You do have to answer that question, and you have to tell the whole truth when you answer.  You have to say whether you were offered anything and whether you actually received it.’

            ‘Cerise said she would give me 30 shillings and said she’d pay for new outfits for us, and for our drinks.’

            ‘And what did you have to do in return for this payment?’

            ‘She said she would give me the money if I’d get my tits or my arse out in a picture with Kelvin in it.’

            ‘And have you received this payment?’

            ‘Some of it.  Cerise was really pissed off when her camera was broken, but she said she’d give me 10 shillings as a consolation.’

            ‘And so you admit that you went to the party looking for Doctor Stark, and with the express intention of putting him a compromising situation and eroding his dignity.’

            ‘It was just a bit of fun.’

            ‘Miss Dale, you would be amazed at how many times we hear that phrase uttered in criminal courts.  What was Doctor Stark’s reaction when you and your gang approached him?’

            ‘He tried to ignore us at first, and then he asked us to leave him alone.’

            ‘And did you do as he asked?’

            ‘No.  That was when Cerise started taking pictures and I started flashing.’

            ‘Would I be right in thinking that you had been drinking alcohol that night?’

            ‘Yes: we were blathered.’

            ‘Can you remember how much you had had to drink?’

            ‘I had eleven double vodka and limes.’

            ‘And would you say that is a normal amount for you to drink?’

            ‘On Earth, I used to drink lager and black or cider, but since we left I have gone over to vodka.’

            ‘Indeed.  Well they say it gives you less of a hangover, do they not?  Miss Dale, I understand that you have a nickname.’

            ‘Do I?’

            ‘Indeed.  The one I have in mind is derived from the letters of your surname.’

            ‘Oh, that.  Yes.  That’s right. I do.’

            ‘Can you tell the court what it is?’

            ‘Drunk And Legs Everywhere.’

            ‘You might also be interested to know that we have managed to salvage some of the data from Miss Vallance’s camera.’

            ‘Oh, great.  She will be pleased.’

            ‘Please show Exhibit A on the big screen.  Miss Dale, would you mind describing to the court what is happening on the screen?’

            ‘That’s me, and Cerise, and Charis and Alicia.  That’s Charis and Alicia having a pretend snog next to Kelvin.  That is me trying to kiss Kelvin.  That’s me kneeling down and pretending to give him a blow-job.  That’s me getting up again, just about.  That’s me getting my tits out.  Now I’m shaking them.  Now I’m holding my left tit in both hands and trying to rub my nipple on Kelvin’s chest.  Now I’m doing the same with the right one.  Kelvin has stopped dancing and has his eyes closed.  Now I’ve put my tits away, and I’m standing next to Kelvin with my back to the camera, and I’ve pulled the hem of my mini-dress up and you can see my arse.  Now I have taken Kelvin’s glasses off and I’m rubbing them on my fanny.’

            ‘You are doing what?’

            ‘It is something I saw in a film my ex-boyfriend showed me.’

            ‘Let me get this quite clear.  You have grabbed hold of Doctor Stark's spectacles, and you are rubbing them on your naked vulva.’


            ‘Might I ask why?’

            ‘I thought it would be sexy for him to see when I put them back on his face that they were all blurred with cunt-juice.’

            ‘I see.  I notice, Miss Dale, that you did not have to remove any underwear.’

            ‘No, I went fully prepared.’

            ‘With no knickers on.’

            ‘Well it is easier to flash your arse if you go commando.’

            ‘I could not have put it better myself.  Thank you, Miss Dale.  No further questions.’

            ‘Miss Johnson, do you wish to examine this witness?’

            ‘Before I continue, I would just like to confirm to Miss Dale that she is not the one who has been charged with an offence.  Can you tell the court what happened immediately after the sequence of pictures came to an end?’

            ‘Some-one grabbed Cerise’s camera.’

            ‘Can you see the person who did this seated in the court?’

            ‘Yes.  It was her.’

            ‘You are pointing to Pamela Collins.’

            ‘I didn’t know her name, but it was definitely her.’

            ‘Were you surprised when the disturbance started?’

            ‘Yes, very surprised.  We were only having a bit of fun.’

            ‘Did any-one else come onto the dance floor.’

            ‘Yes, Prudence Tadlow came up and grabbed hold of me.  She tried to pull me away from Kelvin.’

            ‘Did she strike you or threaten you?’

            ‘I can’t really remember.  It was all very confusing.’

            ‘Did you suffer any injury?’

            ‘I had a terrible bruise on my knee the next day.  I went to the sick bay about it.  But I can’t be certain how I got it.  Prudence might have kicked me.  She was wearing her diesel-dyke outfit and heavy boots.’

            ‘No further questions, your Lordship.’

            ‘Your Lordship, may I cross-examine the witness?’

            ‘By all means, Mr Mallard.’

            ‘Thank you, your Lordship.  Miss Dale, were you wearing high-heeled shoes on the night in question.’

            ‘Yes, I was wearing my “stripper” shoes.’

            ‘Your “stripper” shoes?’

            ‘Yes, they are strappy and have a built-up sole and seven-inch heels.’

            ‘You were wearing high heels and you had had eleven double vodkas.  It is conceivable that you might have got this bruise because you fell over during the evening?’

            ‘Well they don’t call me Drunk And Legs Everywhere for nothing.’

            ‘Indeed not.  No further questions.’

            None of the other witnesses added anything substantial to Samantha Dale’s testimony.  Mr Justice Fitzgerald considered his decision for thirty minutes before acquitting both defendants, on the condition that Pamela Collins compensate Cerise Vallance for the loss of her camera.  The court also ordered Cerise Vallance to take reasonable steps to seek Kelvin Stark’s permission before photographing him on the remainder of the journey.          


“Diesel-dyke” indeed.  Slapper!


If that slut-whore-bint touches Kelvin again, I’ll inject her with something nasty.  

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