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Joyeux Noel

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 When I say I'm studying French, a lot of people say, “oh I can't do languages” or “it's so much easier to learn as a child”. I like learning languages, or I thought I did before this course, but it isn't easy. I don't think this is a matter of age. My personal opinion is this is a matter of available time to focus on any given activity.  When you're a child you go to school, come home, get the homework out the way and the rest of the time is your own.

I have a full time job and when I come home from work I do my share of the chores. What time is left is for studying or trying to relax. I don't expect my brain to be as efficient, I accept reluctantly that there are days when nothing makes sense. I've learnt to stop trying to force information into an unwilling head and do more when I have more space and time to focus.


If this was school, I would be celebrating because this is the end of term. As an adult, a break in the scheduled study period is a time to catch up rather than relax. But I will take a break, as I know this helps the information settle and assimilate.


Time to enjoy the yule log, celebrate reveillon, and admire the sapin de noel.

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